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      Road to Vinland
      No Expiration
      Stockholm Adventurer's Guild
      You investigated the travels of the Vikings, didn't you? That folklorist has asked for you to do a follow-up investigation. In the saga you reported, it says that the Vikings found a land they called Vinland. He wants to know the path they used to get there.
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                  Required Adventure Fame : 23112

                  part 1.
                  Vikings 1 1
                  Country of the Vikings 1 3 1 Rollo's Helmet
                  The Great Seafarers 3 5 1 Saga of Erik the Red
                  Road to Vinland 9 11 1 Iceland
                  Looking for World's End 10 12 1 Greenland
                  Clues to the Land of Fables 7 9 1 Saga of the Greenlanders
                  The bounty of the frozen sea 11 13 1 Labrador Peninsula
                  The Future of the Land of Grapes 12 14 1 Terra Nova

                  continued part 2.
                  A Dream to End the Nightmare 12 14 11 L'Anse aux Meadows
                  Reason to Stay, Unrequited Dreams 8 10 8 Silver Helmet
                  The Lives of the Vikings 4 6 1 Ancient Spool of Thread
                  Forge Remains 4 6 1 Viking Steel Spike
                  Poems that Don't Mesh 10 12 10 Silver Armour
                  Battlefield of the Vikings 11 13 11 Shining Golden Bow
                  The Poem of Vinland 13 15 13 Mjolnir

                  1. Bergen Tavern - Talk to Barkeep (x4)
                  2. Scandinavia West Coast - Talk to Olga (x3), just south of entrance
                  3. Icelandic Ocean Basin - Use Observe and Recognition at about 14790, 1625, south of Iceland

                  1. Thinking of Olga
                  Did you see Olga? She probably turned you away though, didn't she?
                  Ha ha, I apologize. I knew how she'd respond. Lately, Olga has been cursing her Viking blood. She tries to deny having anything to do with them.

                  2. Blood of the Vikings
                  To put it bluntly, as a whole the Vikings were a conceited, belligerent people. Whatever they wanted, they took, violently if necessary. Whatever they believed to be right, they did. And they made heroes out of the ones who did it best. But Olga and her ancestors were different. They respected others and renounced unnecessary violence.

                  3. Led By Fear
                  But we humans tend to want to pigeon-hole people. By race, by culture, by whatever. People fear Olga and her family, just because they are the descendants of the Vikings. And fear can lead to tragedy. Olga cannot forget the tragedy that happened to her. So she avoids others, and curses her ancestry.

                  4. In That Case
                  I'm sorry. You weren't asking about Olga, were you? But your coming back here means you are still looking into the Vikings, right?
                  Hmmm...I see. You're looking for the route to Vinland. Unfortunately, all I can tell you is to go see Olga about it. Perhaps you can learn something from her.

                  5. A Place that is Nowhere and Anywhere
                  It's nowhere. At the same time, it's everywhere. That's the Vinland I believe in. People flee from the hardships of there lives and find themselves a new place... a Vinland. If you look at it that way, then the Land of Ice Eric first arrived at was Vinland, as well.

                  6. Regretful Reasoning
                  Eric the Red is driven out of Scandinavia for the crimes he committed and moves to a place he refers to as a Land of Ice. He gains riches in that new land, but then is again driven out. His "discoveries" were not driven by any desires for discovery. It was the result of his short-sighted selfishness.

                  7. To the Land of Ice
                  That land of Ice is thought to be the edge of the world and few seafarers are willing to risk going there. If you believe the saga, If you sail west from here, you should eventually be able to see the southern coast of the Land he was talking of.
                  That's if you can overcome your fear of possibly falling off the end of the earth.

                  8. Bordering the Edge of the World
                  The island Eric the Red first moved to is said to be to the west of here. If we can find that, we will have taken the first step in finding Vinland.
                  The crew may not like going so close to the end of the world, but we will get as close to the island as we can and then perform Recognition on it.

                  Discovery Reward :
                  1010 Adventure exp

                  Card Reward :
                  Iceland 505 Adventure exp

                  Quest Reporting Reward :
                  Quest Mediation Permit, 320 Adventure exp , 135 Adventure fame

                    • Discovery
                    • Iceland ★★★★★★ (Geography) Exp:1010 Fame:388
                      An island northwest of the British Isles. Uninhabited for the longest time, around the 10th century, waves of Celts and Scandinavians moved there. As its name implies, much of the land is covered in ice glaciers. However, as it is in a volcanic belt, the land itself is relatively warm.

                      Actually found at 14880,1530

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