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  • City
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  • Discovery
  • Location
  • Rewards
  • Required


        City towering over the Andes
        No Expiration
        Rio de Janeiro Adventurer's Guild
        You have successfully eradicated the Mapuche patron from the coast of Lima. You should first report to the Gatekeeper
        •  Member
        • Language/Edit History

                1. Lima - Talk to North Lima Gatekeeper
                2. Cusco - Head north of lima then go right to find a dead tree, enter, Observe and Recognition.

                City in a mysterious land 9 11 10
                City towering over the Andes
                The cautious Inca Empire 10 12 10
                Ceremonial site 10 12 10 Machu Picchu

                Unlocked quest:
                A lost culture 9 11 1 Gold Ornament of Royal Chimu
                An old knife 5 7 5 Gold Knife
                Stone walls of the Incas 4 6 1 Inca Stone Walls
                Searching for the navel 6 8 6 Tapac Yauri
                Proof of a warrior 4 6 4 The Club of an Inca Warrior
                Sleep of the Inca Kings 7 9 1 The Royal Inca Mummy
                Theft of the goddess of fields 9 11 9 The Statue of Chico Quaja
                Andean Ceremonial Tool Map Festival of Goldwork
                Andean Ceremonial Tool Map Gold Discus

                1. To Tawantinsuyu
                I'm amazed you really did it...! There's no need to say anything, nothing at all. You are our friend, and a visitor in our country. As sign of our trust in you, allow me to invite you to our city in Tawantinsuyu. The Inca Empire? That's your name for us. Now, listen, please...

                2. To the frontier city
                You have earned the trust of the gatekeeper by driving off the Mapuche. According to the information received from the gatekeeper heading north from Lima and passing the giant dead tree you will find there will lead to their city. Go and pay them a visit.


                Quest Mediation Permit

                  • Discovery
                  • Cusco ★★★★★★ (Historic site) Exp:1040 Fame:400
                    The central city of the Incan Empire. Cusco means navel in the native language. It was built by stacking giant, smooth, large rocks so finely that you cannot even fit the tip of your fingernail between them. The technology is striking.

                    anybody knows this quest pre req and fame

                    The quest your looking for is called "City in Mysterious Land" can be picked up in Rio de Janeiro adventur med not sure if there is eny adventur fame reqs(i got it whit 36k fame) but you do need 60k battle fame to get it, allso you must have the Quipucamayoc title(the titel from last quest-chaine to unlock this part) in use to pull it when you get the quest it will go somthing like this : 1. the "Lima" explorers talk *4.
                    2. the " Lima " Lima Northern gatekeepers talk *3 (needs social 10).
                    3. the " Lima " Southwest (near 12725,5477) sea battle (Heavy Galleon *10).(whit Amulet of the Sun its easy to solo)
                    4. battle after the victory of the conversion task → The city stood towering Andes/stands in the Andes.

                    wud update quest info her if i knew how it worked

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