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      Paradise of flora and fauna
      No Expiration
      Santo Domingo Adventurer's Guild
      This is a job from the guild. When you sail south from this town, you see land, right? Well, if you continue sailing southeast down the coast, you'll eventually see a large river, which we believe will be the site of many future discoveries. First, we would like to gather information inside town.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                1. Santo Domingo - Talk to Barkeep
                2. Santo Domingo - Talk to Seafarer
                3. Santo Domingo - Talk to Fisherman Boss (North of tavern)
                4. San Juan - Talk to Seafarer
                5. Amazon River - Amazon River Basin (Coordinates 14154,4770)
                  Observe Recognition

                Paradise of flora and fauna
                Investigation of flat creature 4 6 1 Surinam Toads

                Pre-requisite for:
                Bird at the river mouth 5 7 1 Marajo Island
                Island that divides a giant river 6 8 1 River Delta

                Maps Unlocked:
                Horned Frogs Map 뿔 달린 개구리의 지도 ★1 Horned Frog
                Large Weasel Map 큰 족제비의 지도 ★1 Giant Otter
                Rodent-like Animal Map 쥐같은 동물의 지도 ★1 Capybara
                Birds with Fans Map 부채달린 새의 지도 ★1 Hawk Headed Parrot

                [IMG16,Obtained info]
                1. Is there a large river?
                Is there a river down in the land to he south you ask? Well, i don't know how big that land is but you'd there'd be at least one river there, right? I don't know if it's as big a river as you're talking about though... That sailor sitting over there might know though. Why don't you ask him?

                2. Unable to even think of it
                Oh hey, i heard you talking with the owner. I know all about the waters around here, but i've never even thought about going further south down the coast that way. The head of the fisherman's union in town might know something though.

                3. Information from the fisherman's boss
                Yeah, i've heard about that river. The river mouth is very large and there are several small islands floating within it. ... Oh, yeah! You should go talk to the saliors in San Juan as well. One of the sailors there used to always tell stories about that river that he heard from his dad before he passed away.

                4. Born from the river
                Are you going to survey the river in the southern lands? I'd be glad to tell you all about it then! What i heard from my dad was that it was like paradise with all the plants and animals down there. The river has made the soil extremely fertile and so it is home to many differents types of plants and animals. This will definitely be a significant expedition for you!

                5. Investigation of the river called paradise
                It seems as though the river does actually exist, and it is even referred to as a paradise of plants and animals. I should be able to find it if i travel to the land south of San Juan and follow its coastline to the south-east from there. I should investigate around the river mouth once i find it.

                Quest Mediation Permit

                The Amazon River

                발견시 경험치 485, 카드 경험치 121
                보고시 경험치 270, 명성 190, 의뢰 알선서 6 획득

                  • Discovery
                  • The Amazon River 1 ★★★ (Geography) Exp:533 Fame:250
                    A large river dividing the South American continent. A gigantic forest spreads throughout the basin, forming a paradise of flora and fauna. It is a mysterious realm that appeals to the heart of adventurers everywhere.

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