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Give pursuit
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Calicut Adventurer's Guild
I heard about it from the quest Mediator at Jakarta. Hey, you investigated about an animal that has a pouch on its stomach, right? Something about how it puts its young in this pouch and glides between the trees... The town Guild has obtained information about an a certain animal with a pouch. I would very much like to ask you to go investigate. Go ask the Guild Master for more information about this animal



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Calicut Calicut Adventurers' Guild - Talk to Adventurer GM 2x
Calicut - Talk to Port Official
Australia Northwest Coast - Click on Stacked Boulders
Australia Northwest Coast - Click on Ruins
Australia Northwest Coast - Click on Flower - White
Australia Northwest Coast - Use
Observe and
Ecological Research just South of Flower - White
Two faces 


Sugar Glider 

Give pursuit
Give pursuit again 



1. Difference
The creature I want you to investigate now is completely different than the one you looked for earlier. First of all, it lives above ground. Using its hind legs, it can apparently move over three meters in just one jump. And if it has a pup in its stomach pouch, you should know at quick glance. Well, I'd like you to go to its habitat right away.

2. Long war
You should hide in the shadows of trees and rocks as you search for it. Its leg strength is something no human is a match for. And it's also known for speed and endurance. If it notices you, you better be ready for a long battle. Its habitat is on the land in the continent to the southeast. Ask the Port Official about a sea route there.

3. Route to the habitat
The land on the continent to the southeast? You can reach that continent by heading southeast from this town. If you then sail northeast along the land, you'll see a landing spot. It's probably a particularly long sea journey. Be sure to prepare fully before you leave port.

4. Check the sack
I can see a group of animals about ten meters ahead. With such enormous hind legs, I imagine they're capable of making a huge jump. This might be the animal I'm supposed to investigate. They're carrying a pup in their stomach pouch. No doubt this is it! Uh... they noticed me and fled to the southwest!

5. Running away again
Somehow, I managed to follow after them. Now they look quite calm. That's how it seemed, but they noticed me again and starting running away. Just like the Guildmaster said, it's turned into a long battle. They've fled to the northeast.

6. Finally!
I caught up to them. They're stretched out on the ground and resting. I don't think they'll escape this time. Now to draw closer and observe them.

7. Investigation of animal with a sack
The animal with a pouch that you're supposed to investigate can move over three meters with one jump. With the ability to move that fast, they keep escaping. Finally, you've been able to catch up to them. Observe them near the white flowers in the land on the continent southeast of Calicut.

Discovery Reward:
325 Adventure exp
Card Reward:
Wallaby 81 Adventure exp
Quest Reporting Reward:
300 Adventure exp, 200 Adventure fame,
Quest Mediation Permit x1
- Discovery
Wallaby ★★ (Medium-sized creature) Exp:325 Fame:165
A marsupial with a fat tail and large hind legs. It places its young in its pouch and can jump several meters in one bound. It eats fruit at night and lives in large groups.