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  • Australia Northwest Coast
    Australia Northwest Coast
    Australia Northwest Coast
    Australia Northwest Coast
  • Australia Northwest Coast

    Uluru 3

FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

Fish Stone Map 1 4 Stone Shaped like a Fish
Ancient Weapons Map 1 6 Ancient Boomerang
White Mole Map 1 3 Southern Marsupial Mole
Red Bird Map 1 5 Crimson Rosella
Delicate Flowers Map 1 5 Grevillea
Map of a Small Bird 1 5 Brown Hawk Owl
Ant Eating Animals Map 1 6 Numbat
Venomous Snake Map 1 6 Tiger Snake
Vivid Colour Birds Map 1 6 Rainbow Lorikeet
Map of a Small Bird 1 6 Gouldian Finch
Large Plants Map 1 6 Wattle 1
Clappers Map 2 6 Hunting Sticks 1
Male Tribal Wear Map 1 12
Male Tribal Wear Map 1 12
Female Tribal Wear Map 12
Female Tribal Wear Map 12
Give pursuit 4 6 1 Wallaby
Shell's treasure 6 8 1 Beautiful Shell Stone
Give pursuit again 4 8 10 5 Kangaroo
The bizarre 1 9 11 1 Lyrebird
Everlasting stars 1 11 13 11 The Eternal Stars
Moving mountain of needles 3 5 1 Echidnas
Two faces 3 3 5 1 Sugar Glider
Peach coloured bird 3 5 1 Galah
The missing frill-necked Lizard 2 1
Lizard that walks on two legs 4 6 1 Frill-necked Lizard
Search for the difference 2 4 6 1 Greater Glider
On the backs of our fathers 2 4 6 1 Koala 2
Borrowing a bed 4 6 1 Common Brushtail Possum
Powerful poison 1 4 6 1 Taipan
Big animal living on south east continent 4 6 1 Emu
Looking for rare birds 4 6 1 Cockatiel
Crocodiles of the south east continent 6 8 1 Crocodile
A peculiar percussion instrument 6 8 6 Water Drums
To my beloved wife 6 8 1 Blue Orchid
A strange way of playing 6 8 6 Didgeridoo
Request from Europe 1 7 9 1 Banksia
Background to spirits and people 1 8 10 1 Ancient Rock Art
(g.t.)A rainbow-bound tradition 1 11
World's Deadly Poison 15 17 1 Stinging Brush 1
(g.t.)Shining cave 15 17 1 Arachnocampa

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