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      The 5th world
      No Expiration
      Naples Adventurer's Guild
      You investigated about the Aztec calendar before, right? In your report, you wrote about their world view that the world is passing through five life cycles. A Scholar who found this interesting would like you to find out about the creation of the Aztec world. Go to Veracruz to investigate.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                The isolated imperial city 8 10 10
                Another world 8 10 10 Tenochtitlan
                Reason for desire for blood & hearts 9 11 1 The Stone of the Sun
                The 5th world 6 8 6 The Obsidian Knife

                God who sleeps in Aztec underworld 6 8 6 The Statue of Mictlantecuhtli

                1. Veracruz - talk to Resident
                2. Veracruz - talk to Young Man 2x
                4. Veracruz - talk to High Priest 3x
                7. Tenochtitlan - use Observe , Search

                1. Tonatiuh
                The present sun is a god known as Tonatiuh. Tonatiuh was born when the 4th sun was destroyed. But Tonatiuh was not born in full shape. The darkness doesn't recede despite the birth of the sun. The gods then convened a council. Even the young people know about this.

                2. To awaken Tonatiuh
                Yes, of course. The gods then resolved to awaken Tonatiuh with a ceremony. Tecciztecatl then managed to awaken Tonatiuh... In other words, the glory was imparted to Tonatiuh. Even the most audacious Tecciztecatl hesitated to do this. Then...

                3. Brave younger brother
                Nanahautzin, the twin brother of Tecciztecatl and one of the low ranked gods, stepped up to be sacrificed. The bravery of his brother aroused Tecciztecatl, who was then absorbed into Tonatiuh and thus managed to awaken Tonatiuh.

                4. The hot and arid god
                Hehehe, this myth continues further. Although awakened, Tonatiuh was unable to move the world. Because he is a god symbolizing heat and thirst. He was starving for the sacrificial blood. The helpless gods then summoned Quetzalcoatl who gave his heart with his own hands with an obsidian knife.

                5. In order to obtain something
                Tonatiuh's world is made up of many sacrifices right from its inception. There can't be a gain without a loss. Even the gods do all they can. For us to live in peace and prosperity, many sacrifices are required.

                6. Knife of Quetzalcoatl
                By the way, a royal emissary from Tenochtitlan took the obsidian knife from the shrine near this town. He mentioned about returning something to Quetzalcoatl... Well, is it still in that land?

                7. The 5th world
                According to the Aztec book of genesis, the 5th world was established on many sacrifices including those of gods. The reason why Aztecs emphasize sacrifice seems a bit clearer now. The mythical obsidian knife appears to be Tenochtitlan...


                Discovery Reward :
                648 Adventure exp

                Card Reward :
                The Obsidian Knife 324 Adventure exp

                Quest Reporting Reward :
                Quest Mediation Permit, 450 Adventure exp , 150 Adventure fame

                  • Discovery
                  • The Obsidian Knife 3 ★★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:648 Fame:270
                    A small knife made from obsidian. It is said to have been used to cut open and pull out the living heart of sacrifice victims for offering to the gods. Although not strong, it is sharp and has a good edge.

                    damn this is discusting :S

                    Is left side of large temple. in front of the snake looking Quetzalcoatl statue


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