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  • South America Southwest Coast
    South America Southwest Coast
    South America Southwest Coast
    South America Southwest Coast
  • South America Southwest Coast 2

FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

Creeper Flower Map 3 5 Chilean Glory Flower
Bizarre Stone Map 1 5 Stone like Egg of a Lizard
Star Flower Map 6 Malesherbia
Bizarre Stone Map 1 7 Bones of a Lizard with Two Legs
Sack-like Plant 1 5 Goldcap
Tracing an adventure 3 5 1 The Robe of El Dorado
Pioneer's records 3 5 1 Magellan American Adventures
Tree revisited by a traveller 3 5 1 Calafate
Limbs of an emperor 3 5 1 Priest's Necklace
A bizarre mouse 3 5 1 Mara
Flower blooming in the realm of winds 6 8 1 Chilean Firebush
The lost elixir 10 12 10 Kallawaya's Medical Herb Jar
Giving thanks to the advance party
Giving thanks to the advance party
Giving thanks to the advance party
Giving thanks to the advance party
Giving thanks to the advance party
Giving thanks to the advance party
The West Coast of the New World 1
The West Coast of the New World 1
The West Coast of the New World 1
The West Coast of the New World 1
The West Coast of the New World 1
The West Coast of the New World 1
Request for repair tools
Request for repair tools
Request for repair tools
Request for repair tools
Request for repair tools
Request for repair tools
Tributes for the West coast of the New World
Tributes for the West coast of the New World
Tributes for the West coast of the New World
Tributes for the West coast of the New World
Tributes for the West coast of the New World
Tributes for the West coast of the New World
Provisions to the fleet 1
Provisions to the fleet 1
Provisions to the fleet 1
Provisions to the fleet 1
Provisions to the fleet 1
Provisions to the fleet 1
Delivery request from the fleet
Delivery request from the fleet
Delivery request from the fleet
Delivery request from the fleet
Delivery request from the fleet
Delivery request from the fleet
Search for animal on west shore of New World 3 5 Mara
Search for animal on west shore of New World 3 5 Mara
Search for animal on west shore of New World 3 5 Mara
Search for animal on west shore of New World 3 5 Mara
Search for animal on west shore of New World 3 5 Mara
Search for animal on west shore of New World 3 5 Mara
Records of a pioneer upon reaching west shore of New World 8 3 5 Magellan American Adventures
Records of a pioneer upon reaching west shore of New World 8 3 5 Magellan American Adventures
Records of a pioneer upon reaching west shore of New World 8 3 5 Magellan American Adventures
Records of a pioneer upon reaching west shore of New World 8 3 5 Magellan American Adventures
Records of a pioneer upon reaching west shore of New World 8 3 5 Magellan American Adventures
Records of a pioneer upon reaching west shore of New World 8 3 5 Magellan American Adventures
Search for treasure of the city of gold 3 5 The Robe of El Dorado
Search for treasure of the city of gold 3 5 The Robe of El Dorado
Search for treasure of the city of gold 3 5 The Robe of El Dorado
Search for treasure of the city of gold 3 5 The Robe of El Dorado
Search for treasure of the city of gold 3 5 The Robe of El Dorado
Search for treasure of the city of gold 3 5 The Robe of El Dorado
Faith of the city of gold 3 5 Priest's Necklace
Faith of the city of gold 3 5 Priest's Necklace
Faith of the city of gold 3 5 Priest's Necklace
Faith of the city of gold 3 5 Priest's Necklace
Faith of the city of gold 3 5 Priest's Necklace
Faith of the city of gold 3 5 Priest's Necklace
Defend the advance bases
Defend the advance bases
Defend the advance bases
Defend the advance bases
Defend the advance bases
Defend the advance bases

NPC's are around lvl 38-42

collection r5 white ore, boulder, logs, black ore, honey

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