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Search for animal on west shore of New World
No Expiration
Rio de Janeiro Imperial Contract
Penetrating the west coast of the New World requires investment by the nobles and traders.
By reporting of the fantastic
animals there, there should be heightened interest in the New World.
The Adventurer Guild is taking care of the preliminary investigation, so get the details from the Adventurer Mediator, and investigate the local animals.


- Member
- Language/Edit History
Rio de Janeiro - Talk to Adventurer Mediator
Rio de Janeiro - Talk to Seafarer
South America Southwest Coast - Use
Observe and
Search Stacked Boulders

A unique rodent?
Listen to this. We've just heard some interesting information too. The other day a sailor who came back to the town was talking about a distinctive rat. He's probably still drinking in one of the taverns in town. You should go and hear what he has to say.

The submissive husband
I say a rat, but it's more like the size of a cat.
They always move in pairs and while the female's eating, the male keeps watch. They seemed to get on well, but the male's really henpecked!
You can find them on the South West coast of the new continent. It shouldn't take you too long.

Submissive mouse from the New World
It would be a really good animal to cultivate an interest in the new world among investing aristocrats and traders and help us advance along the western coast. A rat the size of a cat whose males don't go against the females would certainly be of interest to the aristocrats. You need to go ashore by the south-west coast of South America and look around piles of rocks.
Patriot Award
Exp: 250
Fame: 220
- Discovery
Mara ★★ (Small creature) Exp:310 Fame:155
A rat that inhabits grassy plains in South America. It hops about. Male and female always move about together and remain so all their lives. The male is subservient to the female.