Gran Atlas aide.
Is this aide out now?
I have visited Port Royal, and found none of the new battle aides available for hire at the barkeep. In fact, the Aide hiring button is completely absent. Either we'll have them added in later, or... we'll see, I suppose.
have a maritime with Grand Admiral job activated see if he/she can see them. if not, they might be either Astro aides or all have +1astronomy (so will be implemented when that patch comes out).
PS: I've just checked Rachel and Hubert and neither of them has +1astrology. taking into consideration the fact that all 3, including Johannes, are battle aide, the odds for Johan to have +1astrology are very low (so the presumption of keeping all 3 unavailable, because one of them has +1 to a skill unavailable yet should be ruled out). it leaves us to 2 variants: 1.KOEI is planing to make these Astro and 2. will be implemented with a later patch (thou I see no reason for this delay while we already have the Skt.P'burg lot).
Ah ha. Turns out the three new Port Royal aides should be available for hire during a future expansion called "Caribbean Sea", set between "Chapter 2: Astronomy", and "Chapter 3: Wild West":
Time will tell whether or not their availability on GAMA will be Astro-only, or not.
Support skills:
Sail Handling+1 (18 Adventure, Navigator 30)
Evasion+1 (10 Trade, 20 Battle, Lookout 50)
Penetration+1 (22 Battle, 55 Lieutenant)
Aide skills:
Cooking Task (28 Trade, Paymaster 55)
Cleaning (18 Adventure, 16 Trade, Storekeeper 60)
Double-Shot Defence (20 Battle, Lieutenant 40)
Dietetics (10 Adventure, 13 Trade, 17 Battle, Surgeon 70)
That's only 7 out of the 8 icons shown above; either the UWO DB count is off, or the 8th skill will be edited into the JP wiki page sometime in the near future. I'm leaning towards the latter being the case.
The last skill seems to be Ballistics, according to the Taiwanese wiki(20 battle, Lieutenant 55)
8th mari skill is Balistic , he gain it on 20 maritime lvl.
So he is cheap non nc Hernan version xD.
Named Johan in-game.
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