This Aide is not in alexanderia!?
not, probably only after expansion of east asia.

Or part of Alexandria update

YES!!!! He's in ISTANBUL!!! WEWT!!!

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-23-2012
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is it ok to have 2 aides with 3 skills common or choose 2 with different in all?

You need to understand how aides work in the first place
There are 5 'roles' that an aide can take, but they can only be in ONE role at ANY one time. Also two aides cannot be in the same role at the same time.
If you notice, Aide skills are only active when two criteria are met
1. They have sufficient level in the required jobs (adv/trade/mari) and role (e.g. navigator)
2. They are currently set to the correct role. (e.g to have Survival active on enver he must be set to navigator)
You must note that the same skill will be located in the same role for ALL aides (means no matter what aide you hire, survival will always be a navigator role skill)
Hence even if you have two aides with the same skill, you can never get +2 because they cannot occupy the same role at the same time.
Now granted that alot of aides will have overlapping skillsets, you need to chose the aides that best compliment your playstyle.

minor correction, there are 6 roles
navigator, lookout, paymaster, store keeper, lieutenant, surgeon
oh and about playing style or skill set that match your aide
here's some recommended aide which is pretty crucial for your end-skills
smooth sailing: holfina (navigator|anti seaweed, wave, wind)
spice runner: erda (paymaster|+1 spice, storekeeper|anti-fire)
unlock: rashid (lookout|fastest to get +1 unlock)
shipbuilder: chester (surgeon|+plenty support skill)
alchemy: nicola (paymaster, storekeeper|+wares,mineral)
cooking: claudia(paymaster|+plenty trading skills and management)
sewing: garcia (paymaster, storekeeper|+fabric,textile)
casting+handicrafts: urbain (paymaster, both+1 for casting&handi)
plunderer: 1 aide with seize cargo(lieutenant| george/osbald) 1 aide with ambush(there's plenty, but i prefer rashid/vincent|lookout)
cannon player: sigfried (lieutenant|+3 type shot def) or gerome (lieutenant|+3 enchance shot)
bio+geo combined: duarte
the rest are up to you depends on your favor

how do u put cargo on an aides ship when u get him to trust 50 does he need to be in a trade ship or does it not matter

When aide trust is at 50, you can make that aide that "aide captain" from "change aide duties" tab. Then you can give the aide a ship (as long as the aide's levels are high enough to sail it). Once you give the aide a ship, the cargo of your ship and the aide's ship will be combined together.
But you'll need to feed the extra crew on the aide ship and also note that your daily costs of sailing (paying for crew and aide's salary) will be higher (maybe double before) so, if you aren't careful, you'll run out of money while sailing. No money = aide trust drops.

If u want to change aide captain to SEIGFRID, PIETO will lose 10 trust. All you have to do is set as "Aide Captain" PIETO in Change Aide Duties menu. Everytime you change Aide Captain, 10 trust will be lost from the current Aide Captain.

Anyone have an idea of why my aide is stuck at 44 trust. Yes I have cash, food, etc etc Im sitting outside of Seville for 3 hours and no trust point.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]10-26-2012
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I guess you have to change maps

Now he is in Alexandria too! yay!

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]07-10-2013
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Meng Meng
This is IMO the best adventuring aide. Not a single support skill is wasted. Turkish is almost much useless (it still gives you access to Athens' archive), as well as the lieutenant suff and you need serious work before unlocking windbreak, but the lookout is just pure magic.

Obstruction on lieutenant is also pretty great. Agreed he is a superb end game aid!
(Using as placeholder)
Regarding the daily costs paying per day on sea,
Players asked this question frequently why they have to pay sudden 5.000 D per day when several weeks back was only 800 D (as example).
Since there is no source that shows an clear information about it. I tried to figure it out by myself by diving into math. After testing it I can conclude the daily cost equation is:
P = S + A1(5*T) + A2(5*T) + I
P = The total daily money you have to pay whilst in sea (in Ducats)
S = Number of sailors (since it is 1 D per sailor no additional factor needs to be added)
A1 = First Aide (0 if you dont have it or 1 if you have it)
A2 = Second Aide (0 if you dont have it or 1 if you have it)
T = Total level of your aide (note: it is NOT the same value for A1 and A2 if their total levels differs).
I = Insurance cost daily
Another thing to add is when you assign your aide (first aide) as captain, then the cost of that aide becomes 10 times more (5*T*10) at A1 bracket. If it was the 2nd aide you assigned as captain, then this factors goes for the A2 bracket.
More details: youtube.com/watch?v=QjLuvSGHkWo
Kind Regards,
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