"Court Gardener"
Comes from a 5-star quest available from London's Adventure Mediator, requires Caribbean port permits, R5
Ecological Research, R3
Procurement, and Spanish language (body language will probably be enough). Quest steps:
1 London - Talk to Port Official
2 London - Talk to Scholar
3 Santo Domingo - Talk to Market Keeper
4 Santo Domingo - Talk to Tavern Master
5 London - Talk to Scholar
6 London - Talk to Port Official
I've used over the 30 qmp and yet the quest won't pop-out while they're released. I meet all the requirements including language and according to Japenese wiki it has no pre-quests...
So I am wondering if there is some mistake or this quest is really rare for a 5-star :S
Try to pull this quest after coming update on April 15th :)
My apologies, friend. I'm afraid I very foolishly neglected to specify this job and its quest wouldn't be released until after the Extreme North Sea patch is released on April 15th, as Donce stated.
At least I know it,
Thank you both and no worries. This idea came also when the game added this post about. x) Then lets wait :D
The quest for job is available already. It is chrono quest (17th century 3rd period) but shareable.
It's also the cheapest job to change into without a card that favors Trap skill! For adventurers like me who love to summon hordes of stinging wasps without having to go after a new Ruin Explorer job card, that's great news.
title quest "Travelling Gardener"
It may be mere coincidence, but this job quest didn't show up for me until I had completed a 17th century quest and changed my title accordingly.
I think it's coincidence, I got this job's quest without using any Chrono Quest titles. I did use Adventurer Graduate to get it the first time, but I've since seen it while using other titles, too.
I always use Adventurer Graduate title when I'm looking for specific adventure quest. You don't need chrono title for this quest.
10K fame required
Title quest "Travelling Gardener"
Quest steps:
1 London - Talk to Port Official
2 London - Talk to Scholar
3 Santo Domingo - Talk to Market Keeper
4 Santo Domingo - Talk to Tavern Master
5 London - Talk to Scholar
6 London - Talk to Port Official
Credit: Guilder & Ensoleille
Funny thing about this don't need procurement r3 to complete it. I had eco r6 and procurement r1...was able to pull the job and finish it without having the necessary requirements.
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