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        Ceremonial site
        No Expiration
        Rio de Janeiro Adventurer's Guild
        You are to find out why the people of the Inca empire have grown more cautious of us. If you are able to call on the service of a tradesperson with high Sociability skill, you should be able to find out something from the gatekeeper at Cuzco. They are cautious so there is the risk of a fight. You should ask the assistance of a soldier.
        •  Member
        • Language/Edit History

                      1. Cusco - Talk to Gatekeeper x2 (r10 Sociability required)
                      2. Northeast Lima - Talk to Inca Warriors Lv36 (Right the Upturned Boulder, sometimes it don't appear instantly, just wait some seconds)
                      3. Northeast Lima - Fight Inca warriors lv36 (390hp easy battle)
                      4. Machu Picchu - Observe, Recognition

                      City in a mysterious land 9 11 10
                      City towering over the Andes 9 11 10 Cusco
                      The cautious Inca Empire 10 12 10
                      Ceremonial site

                      Unlocked quest:
                      Cultivated land of knowledge 5 7 1 Terraced Fields
                      A dangerous young peak 10 12 1 Huayna Picchu
                      Flowers for a Friend 5 7 1 Lily of the Incas
                      Study Demand for Region 3 5 1 Gochang Dolmen Site

                      1. Reason for caution
                      Oh, it's you... For us, this is the time of a very important ceremony. The priests of the Inca Empire don't want this ceremony to be disturbed, and they are wary of you right now. Even we do not yet trust you freely. And that shady-looking Pizarro has been sniffing around the Emperor's surroundings.

                      2. Preparation for the ceremony
                      The ceremony will not be held in Cusco. So lately we've been running back and forth there in order to keep the preparations for the ceremony going. At the moment, we are undergoing the final preparations at the Upside-Down Groundrock to the northeast of Lima, so don't go getting any funny ideas. We won't hesitate to take care of even you.

                      3. Warriors of the Inca empire
                      You there! You are not an Incan citizen! Those people that haven been acting strangely must haven sent you. Or maybe you're here to interfere with the ceremony. Well, you won't get away with it!

                      4. A peaceful resolution, somehow
                      What...? You're not interfering with the ceremony or spying on us? Then i'm sorry to have treated you the way i did. Heck, now that i've seen how good you are, i'd almost like to hire you as the bodyguard for the ceremony. The ceremony will be held at the Upside-Down Groundrock. Come on down if the mood strikes you.

                      5. Road to the location of the ceremony
                      The people of the Inca Empire had no intention whatsoever of attacking us. They were just caught up in preparing for their ceremony. Now that i've been permitted to visit the place where the ceremony will be held, i should go check it out soon. There's a road that leads there deep inside the Upside-Down Rock...

                      Machu Picchu

                      Quest Mediation Permit

                        • Discovery
                        • Machu Picchu 2 ★★★★★★ (Historic site) Exp:1200 Fame:200
                          A city in the Inca Empire surrounded by high peaks. In Quechua, it means Aged peak. There is a clear, systematic arrangement of the terraced fields, living quarters, temples, and so on, and we can see the Inca's advanced architectural techniques.

                          Eny know if/or what the fame reqs are for this quest? (done all quests up to and including discovering of Cuscu) cant get this quest to pop in Rio or porto

                          sad no one edit this page i dont have infos only that need 60k maritime fame

                          for the pre cusco quest

                          Yer did find cuscu trying to find Machu Picchu now got approating skill ranks sorted but this quest seams not to show so iam wondering if theres som hidden fame or pre quests i missed or somthing, last quest i did was "City towering over the Andes" i wud be most happy if eny cud tell what to do or give pointers.

                          looks like need 60k adv fame for the be "wary of the inca empire" 10 stars something like this in japanese wiki the quest will change to "the location of ceremony" 7 stars both have the same skils

                          looks like need 60k adv fame for the be "wary of the inca empire" 10 stars something like this in japanese wiki the quest will change to "the location of ceremony" 7 stars both have the same skils

                          ok ty will try again in 3k fames time then

                          60K adventure and maritime confirmed

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