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      Sacred place beyond the desert
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      I have a request to ask of a sailor who knows the south continent well. I would like you to investigate a sacred land said to lie beyond the red desert.
      You should first go ask around at Kakadu. Head towards the spot after making necessary preparations.
      •  Member
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                        Investigation - north west coast of Continent 4 6 1 Kimberley Plateau
                        Giant rock towers over sacred 5 7 1 The Great Sandy Desert
                        Sacred place beyond the desert Uluru

                        1. Kakadu - speak to merchant at rest house
                        2. Kakadu - speak to resident 2 times
                        3. Kakadu - speak to merchant at rest house
                        4. Australia Northwest Coast - sail to : and look for entrance to Uluru
                        5. Uluru - Front of the entrance use Observe and Recognition

                        [DBLINK:01900582 [DBLINK:70001496]
                        [DBLINK:01900555 [DBLINK:70001307]

                        1. To the sacred place
                        You said before that you want to visit the sacred place, right? It's not easy to get there from here. Are you sure about this? First, talk to some of the the folk in town about exactly what kind of place it is. The name of the sacred place is Uluru. Come see me again once you've found out more about the place.

                        2. Great ancestors
                        There is a massive rock at the holy place of Uluru. It is a very important place for us. You want to know why? Well, I'll have to tell you about the distant pass to explain.
                        Long ago, the world was created by our ancestors, the creator beings. They made the ground, they made the plants and all the animals. And then...

                        3. Land where ancestors sleep
                        Having created the world, they went to sleep in a place with a great rock. That place is Uluru. In other words, the place where our ancestors sleep. Don't do anything to damage that place.

                        4. The road to Uluru
                        Do you see how important Uluru is now?
                        Once you are ready, leave the port and head west. You'll find a place you can land, then head inland. Pass through the desert and you'll come to Uluru.
                        You won't need any more direction than that, I think . You'll know it as soon as you see it.

                        5. Investigation of the scared place beyond the desert
                        The sacred place you seek can be reached from a landing spot heading west from Kakadu, then heading inland across the desert. This could be long journey, so prepare well before setting out.

                        Discovery Reward :
                        1027 adventure exp

                        Card Reward :
                        Uluru513 adventure exp

                        Reporting Reward :
                        [DBLINK:01500232] 300 adventure exp , 100 adventure fame

                          • Discovery
                          • Uluru ★★★★★★ (Historic site) Exp:1027 Fame:360
                            A large rock called Uluru by the aboriginal people of Australia. It is sacred to them. They believe that spirits dwell inside and gather around when there are rituals.

                            Xiao Wei
                            This one was a real headache to pull. Had a one level margin for both skills, and it took like 20 qmps (without the language, 68k adv fame).

                            (I insisted because I want the discovery for the museum in Paris)

                            Just pulled it myself with 1 QMP, 149k fame, r9 recog and r6 arch...

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