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Giant rock towers over sacred
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
It was you who surveyed the Kimberly region, wasn't it? Deep inside the region called the Bungle Bungles, but new information has been obtained about another sacred region. It is apparently a truly magnificent place worth of the name sacred where a massive rock stands tall. First, go ask around at Kakadu.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Barkeeper (Kakadu)
Merchant (Kakadu) --> Drink with him first
Merchant (Kakadu)
West Australia Sea Basin: (5750.6000)

Investigation - north west coast of Continent 


Kimberley Plateau 
Giant rock towers over sacred
The Great Sandy Desert
Sacred place beyond the desert 


Oh, your heading for the sacred place, are you..? Not sure I like the sound of that. Just so long as you aren't heading out there to do any damage, understand? This goes for Bungle Bungle too, but the sacred place isn't easy to get into. Treat our patron there to a drink and he'll tell you about it.
Thanks for the drink. Hold on... you're going to the sacred place? That isn't a good idea. I sometimes go that way, inland, to trade with the locals, but it's nothing but a desert of red sand out there. You'll be a dried prune long before you reach the sacred place, trust me.
You still want to go, huh... Start out by seeing the desert for yourself, then. Head south west along the coast out of town and you'll see a place to land. There's still plants and trees around there, but a little further on and the desert reaches right up to the shore. Just seeing it is enough to make you dizzy, its so big...
In order to reach the giant flat rock and the sacred place you will need to cross the wide desert in the Kimberly region. Before even thinking about aiming for the sacred place an investigation of this desert is obviously required. The desert is apparently comes all the way to the coastline further west from the land to the south west of Kakadu. Go and see it for yourself.
- Discovery
The Great Sandy Desert ★★★ (Geography) Exp:484 Fame:220
A desert covering a large part of the northwestern region of Australia. Much of the western area of inland Australia is dry, making it mostly desert. Annual rainfall is very low, and there is even saltwater lakes.