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Book Loved by the Ming People
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
A powerful person in town wants us to find out what books are popular among the Ming people.
We're gathering information right now. Are you willing to help? Maybe you should head to Macau first and ask question there. Make sure you ask the right people though.



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Book Loved by the Ming People 


Water Margin
True face of Evil 


Hui Zhong Flower and Bird Painting 
Macau - speak with Young Man
Quanzhou - speak with Young Man
Hangzhou - speak with Shipyard Master
Hangzhou Archives - speak with Scholar x2
Hangzhou Archives - use
Observe ,

1. From Among Many Books
A popular book? Well, there are lots these days... But among the people there's one in particular. It's story about a number of heroes who join together to fight and defeat wicked officials and save their country. My friend in Quanzhou lent me a copy. Go there and look for a young man.

2. Person Abhorred, Person Loved
Ah right, the book I lent out. No matter what evil they face, those heroes enact the vengeance of their kingdom. Many intellectuals hate this story. It might only be enjoyed by us common people, but it's a good book.
I also lent it out to the shipyard master in Hangzhou, so you can get his opinion on the book, too.

3. Standpoint of the Hero
That story is really interesting, isn't it? I really like it. But the City Official just frowns every time I suggest it to him. But the main characters were obedient to the imperial court, and served loyally. I believe that this will someday be read all over. Even the scholar read it.

4. The Subject Material
Not everything in that book was complete fabrication. It is based on some events. During the Song Dynasty, there was a battle like the one that appeared in the book. That battle occurred near a region called Mount Liang.
The location the heroes gather in the book is also called Mount Liang.

5. Number of the Heroes
Of course, there are many parts that are over-dramatized. In the book, 108 heroes joined together with the main character, but there is no record of that in the battle during the Song Dynasty. Oh my, I've gone on talking for too long. I've got a manuscript there on that bookshelf, so why don't you read it and see for yourself?

6. Story of the 108 Heroes
There is a story popular among the people where 108 heroes fight evil government agents. However, among the learned there is a distaste for those who would fight against a person with standing. Confirm the contents of the story. A manuscript is kept in the bookshelf behind the scholar.
Discovery Reward :
660 Adventure exp
Card Reward :
Water Margin 330 Adventure exp
Quest Reporting Reward :
Quest Mediation Permit , 180 Adventure exp , 80 Adventure fame
- Discovery
Water Margin ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:660 Fame:275
Popular novel of the Ming Dynasty read often by commoners.
Story about 108 outlaws who assemble in a fort and defeat evil government agents to save their country.