- City
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
- Required
Reputation of Sakai
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
Have you ever been to the town of Sakai? Well, that city is actually the target of this next investigation. See, the city's reputation both now and in the past. They intend to use that information for planning further development. We've been asked to ask around outside of Sakai. The best place to start would be Nagasaki.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Nagasaki : Talk to City Official 2x
Nagasaki : Talk to Port Official
Goa : Talk to Barkeep
Lisbon Church : Talk to Priest
Lisbon Archives : Talk to Theologian
Lisbon Archives : Use
Observe ,

(G.T.)Reputation of Sakai
Missionary's Epistle
Remaining Glory of Hegemony 


Azuchi Castle
Tortoiseshell Comb Upper floor run
Invite to Search Azuchi Castle 

1. Town of People and Things
Sakai is an economically booming town! Industries are growing, people and things are flowing in. They are like the distribution capital of the Empire. There was a time when the townsfolk controlled the city and people came and went freely. It led to a special feeling of freedom there. Try comparing it to Nagasaki.

2. Missionary who was in Sakai
Nagasaki had more interaction with international merchants, while Sakai dealt with domestic goods. Some foreign missionaries travelled back and forth between the two. I'm sure they saw the differences. You might want to talk to the Port Official about it, as well.

3. Record of the Missionary
I do remember one of the missionaries that preached in both Nagasaki and Sakai. His name was Gaspar Vilela, a Christian missionary. He sometimes sent letters to his homeland of Portugal. I hear he's gone to a place called Goa, though. He might know something? Why don't you go find him?

4. A Break-off in the Trail
A Portuguese missionary? There was one that used to live in an island country far to the east. Don't see him around lately though. He used to come to the store and talk about that far off island. I don't really remember a lot, but I do know he wrote many of his ideas in letters to the Church in Lisbon.

5. A Letter from the Far East
You came all the way here from the Far East? I am glad you are well. The letter we received from that missionary has been placed in the archives for safe keeping. I do believe there was a theologian studying there. You can ask her about the contents.

6. The Lauded City of Sakai
That missive is over there an that shelf. Ever since I was allowed to read it, I have dreamed of going to that town of Sakai. It is said to be like Venice, lively but with freedom and peace. What? You've actually been there? Please you must tell me about it!

7. Record of Sakai
Pursuing the reputation of Sakai, I have come as far as the Archives of Lisbon. It appears that information on Sakai has reached even this far thanks to the missives of Gaspar Vilela. I must find that missive and then report to the guild on how the town of Sakai looked through the eyes of someone from a land far far away.
- Discovery
Missionary's Epistle ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:780 Fame:323
Letter written by the Portuguese missionary, Gaspar Vilela.
In the letter he describes Sakai, the port city of Japan, as comparable to Venice.

Need someone to help me get and go through this quest pm me on the game thanks...

talk to Nagasaki Town Offical 2x

Does all the Quest For Getting Azuchi Castle Require and Fames ?

^ And Does It Need Japan language to get Remaining Glory of Hegemony

Port Official
is this quest repeatable?
I believe this quest is non-repeatable. At least, I've never seen it in the list of quests offered to me since completing it, some months ago, and a company mate reported the same after they did the quest as well.

Might as well stop at Calicut and do the ole fashioned roll of carpet to Lisbon from the merch mediator, (sigh) I miss those pepper runnin' days...
Alt pulled it randomly while grinding Bio quests, no appraisal, r5 search, no Indian language, and 40k fame. Overall, low requirements.
Alt pulled it randomly while grinding Bio quests, no appraisal, r5 search, no Indian language, and 40k fame. Overall, low requirements.
Steps for this have changed. This is now a chrono quest and you don't have to talk to the priest anymore.
This is certainly now a Chrono Quest for 16thC-P4, but ExFM is incorrect about the steps having changed, or else they were changed back again, since I couldn't progress any further until I talked to the Priest and the Theologian, in that order.
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