- City
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
- Required
A bird that swims
No Expiration
London Adventurer's Guild
The Earl of Leicester has sent you a direct request. Hearing about the creature swimming underwater that you investigated struck his interest. Get the details from him, but watch your manners.


- Member
- Language/Edit History

Calicut London Palace - Talk to the Earl of Leicester
San Antonio - Talk to Seafarer (Tavern)
San Antonio - Talk to City official
Calicut London Palace - Talk to the Earl of Leicester
Reminder: You can pick up your pets from the Trainer NPC in any European capital city. Trainers are located near to the city Square and/or Doorkeeper.
Creatures around the Sebald islands 


Macaroni Penguin 

Now to the southern continent
I've been waiting for you. Rumour has it that there's a strange creature that lives near San Antonio, far southwest of here. Apparently it swims like a fish but has a beak like a bird. I have to see it myself, and I thought you'd be the perfect person to help me out. Please go and catch it for me.

Coastal life forms
Creatures on the south coast? Well, we've started to see again some recently. Actually, some of them break off from their packs, get lost and come in to town, and I heard that someone has been keeping them. Someone around the office may know something.

Lost life forms
Creatures wandering into town? We look after them here. They've got used to people and we're a bit worried about returning them to the wild. Mind you, we don't want to leave them here forever. It would be great if there was someone who would look after them. ... Oh, so you'll be able to take care of them? That's great!

The Earl of Leicester(London)

To an ever-closer London
You received a macaroni penguin from the town official. Head straight back to London and show the Earl of Leicester.

To an ever-closer London
Oh, so this is the animal you mentioned. The brow feathers are quite handsome. By the way, I plan to return this animal to the wild eventually, but until then would like you to look take care of it. I can have confidence that it is in good hands with a sailor so knowledgeable and experienced in the handling of animals. For now, I will put it in the trainer's keeping
Macaroni Penguin (Blue)
All fixed. That's what I get for not paying more attention to my data entries.