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      Fading of glory
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Merchant's Guild
      Did you know that there is a country on the eastern side of Java Island called Majapahit? It has reigned over the neighboring seas as a powerful nation of trade and commerce but recently Malacca has been taking away many of its interests. This job is from the royal family themselves. Supposedly there is a guard waiting in Surabaya that will give you the details. Go talk to him if you're interested.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

              Fading of glory
              A country's great masterpiece 5 7 5 Nagarakretagama
              Indelible misgivings 1 1
              (G.T.)Request of the prime minister 1

              Surabaya - Talk to Guard (by Town Official; this triggers a cutscene)
              Calicut - Talk to either Merchant or Noble-Looking Man (located near Company District's Port Guide; this triggers another cutscene)

              Quest Unlocked:
              A country's great masterpiece 5 7 5 Nagarakretagama

              Vanished premier
              You have undertaken the request to seek out the Prime Minister of the Majapahit Empire. The Guard said that he couldn't find him in the immediate vicinity. Conduct a search around the Indian Sub Continent, since he appears to have set sail for the West.

              Premier's negotiating skill
              A person resembling the Prime Minister of the Majapahit Empire has been found. We overheard a conversation that he was hear, but his features were not clear so we couldn't get a positive identification. After that, he quickly returned to his own land.

              Premier discovered
              The Prime Minister of the Majapahit Empire was found in Calicut. He said that he returned to his country after completing his work.


                • Skill

                  This quest is odd in that it uses the cutaways similar to the storyline.

                  After Guard in Surabaya, head to Calicut and overhear a conversation between a noble looking man and a merchant (positioned north of the @).

                  Continue the conversation and the quest completes.

                  @ is a special symbol for the Gujurat Estate ;)

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