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      Fading of glory
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Merchant's Guild
      Did you know that there is a country on the eastern side of Java Island called Majapahit? It has reigned over the neighboring seas as a powerful nation of trade and commerce but recently Malacca has been taking away many of its interests. This job is from the royal family themselves. Supposedly there is a guard waiting in Surabaya that will give you the details. Go talk to him if you're interested.
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              [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21]Fading of glory [IMG:22][QUEST:99994954] [IMG:23][QUEST:99994600] [IMG:24][QUEST:99994602] [IMG:Quest_Guide] [DBLINK:10000132] - Talk to Guard (by Town Official; this triggers a cutscene) [DBLINK:10000070] - Talk to either Merchant or Noble-Looking Man (located near Company District's Port Guide; this triggers another cutscene) Quest Unlocked: [IMG:31][QUEST:99994954] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:02] Vanished premier You have undertaken the request to seek out the Prime Minister of the Majapahit Empire. The Guard said that he couldn't find him in the immediate vicinity. Conduct a search around the Indian Sub Continent, since he appears to have set sail for the West. [IMG:02] Premier's negotiating skill A person resembling the Prime Minister of the Majapahit Empire has been found. We overheard a conversation that he was hear, but his features were not clear so we couldn't get a positive identification. After that, he quickly returned to his own land. [IMG:06] Premier discovered The Prime Minister of the Majapahit Empire was found in Calicut. He said that he returned to his country after completing his work. [DBLINK:90005566]

                • Skill

                  This quest is odd in that it uses the cutaways similar to the storyline.

                  After Guard in Surabaya, head to Calicut and overhear a conversation between a noble looking man and a merchant (positioned north of the @).

                  Continue the conversation and the quest completes.

                  @ is a special symbol for the Gujurat Estate ;)

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