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          Giant tree of Africa
          No Expiration
          Calicut Adventurer's Guild
          Have you been to the savannah in Africa? It seems that, in such an incredibly spacious area, enormous tree rise up from time to time.
          Well, we received a request for a specialist to investigate this in detail. For example, they want to know whether it's just one tree of them. Ask around at a rest area in Zanzibar.
          •  Member
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                        [IMG19,Quest guide]
                        1. Zanzibar - Talk to Rest House Master
                        2. Mozambique - Talk to Barkeep
                        3. Africa Southeast Coast - North Observe Ecological Research

                        Giant tree of Africa
                        Pattern of black and white 2 4 1 Ring Tailed Lemur
                        A black-furred creature 2 4 1 Black Lemur
                        Collar colour 3 5 1 Ruffed Lemur
                        Dance of the Spirits 4 6 1 Sifaka
                        Chorus of the Forest 6 8 1 Indri

                        [IMG16,Obtained info]
                        1. Tree that stores water
                        Baobab? Well, I suppose to those unfamiliar it is quite surprising. That tree stores water in its trunk.
                        And so even in the savannah it does not whither. Query the old guy in the Mozambique tavern, he'll know.

                        2. Appearance create3d by god's wrath
                        Baobab you say? I go to harvest its fruit every year. Has a somewhat sour flavous: makes for a good drink. In San there is this legend:
                        In great anger God did invert and pierce the baobab, and this explains its trunk. Take a close look: its size is overwhelming.

                        3. Large African tree
                        Seems that whilst baobab are well distributed throughtout Africa, there are some big trees in the disembarkment area near Mozambique's south-west coast.
                        Search the area of stacked boulders north of the disembarkment point.

                        Quest Mediation Permit



                        Discovery 130, Card 32, 목재 21
                        Reporting quest 100, Adventure fame 110, 5 QMP

                          • Discovery
                          • Baobab ★ (Plant) Exp:130 Fame:65
                            A deciduous tree found throughout arid areas in Africa. Although not particularly tall, the trunk gets thick easily. Sometimes elephants knock them down during the dry season, as they contain a lot of water.

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