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      A black-furred creature
      No Expiration
      Zanzibar Adventurer's Guild
      There's a request for you from the Mozambique town official. Remember those creatures with the striped tails that you investigated before? Well, there are apparently creatures that look a lot like those that he would like you to look into. Ask him personally for the details.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                        1. Mozambique - Talk to City Official
                        2. Tamatave - Talk to Seafarer
                        3. Tamatave - Talk to City Official
                        5. Madagascar West Coast - Use Observe and Ecological Research in southeast, past Large Tree

                        Giant tree of Africa 1 3 1 Baobab
                        Pattern of black and white 2 4 1 Ring Tailed Lemur
                        A black-furred creature
                        Collar colour 3 5 1 Ruffed Lemur
                        Dance of the Spirits 4 6 1 Sifaka
                        Chorus of the Forest 6 8 1 Indri

                        1. Different patterns
                        This happened to me after I received your report about the striped tailed creature when I was on my way to Madagascar. I found a creature similar to the one you described in your report, but the fur on its whole body was black. I want you to got to Tamatave to find out if this is the same creature or not.

                        2. Different colours
                        Sometimes I see a creature with black fur like you're describing in the forest. They always seem to be together with another creature that looks exactly like it, only with brown fur. I've never seen them with any kind of creature with a striped tail though.

                        3. Relationship of black and brown
                        The creature with black fur and the one with the striped tail look similar but are most likely different species. However, it does have a close relationship with the brown furred creature. The colour of their fur determines if they are male or female. Head inland from the landing point on the west coast of this island to investigate further.

                        4. Investigation of an animal with black fur
                        It seems as though the striped tailed creature is a completely different species from the black and brown furred creatures. However, the colour of those creatures' fur is how to determine if they are male of female. I should head inland from the west coast of Madagascar and look around large trees.

                        Quest Mediation Permit

                        Black Lemur

                        발견시 경험치 210, 카드 경험치 52
                        보고시 경험치 180, 명성 130, 의뢰 알선서 4 획득

                          • Discovery
                          • Black Lemur ★★ (Medium-sized creature) Exp:210 Fame:105
                            The males have a black coat of fur while the females are red, brown, or grey. They both have long ear feathers. They eat fruits found in trees.

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