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          Hunter in the trees
          No Expiration
          Aden Adventurer's Guild
          I'm sure you know there are many different ferocious animals in Africa. We received a request to investigate the living habits of the leopard. Find out if it clashed with other savage beasts and learn anything you can. I hope you can discover something interesting habits. Search for someone knowledgeable in Sofala.
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                        You are here!
                        Black beast 7 9 1 Black Panther
                        Dangerous clouds 7 9 1 Clouded Leopard
                        The King of Madagascar 8 10 1 Fossa
                        A single attack! 10 12 1 Jaguar

                        1) Shopkeeper (Sofala)
                        2) Local Youth (Sofala)
                        3) Africa South Southeast Coast (Near Human Cactus)

                        Beasts with beautiful fur
                        A leopard? So happens that I've spotted one in a tree in the savannah. So accomplished at climbing trees they are as I've never seen one walking about. Magnificent coats on them too., like fur some celebrity would wear. Likely a hunter or some such would know much more about them.

                        Remains still during the daytime
                        Thing is, leopards hardly move during the day. When they do hunt, they seem to like to pounce from the tree and drag the catch back up into the tree. Sometimes you'll see what looks to be the handiwork of a leopard; the remains of an impala or such, up in some trees. You can spot lots of them in the disembarkment area south-southwest of town.

                        Nocturnal beast
                        Leopards are creatures of the night, and they're often found in the tops of trees. South-southwest of Sofala would be a good place to disembark. Recommend concentrating your search on the human-like cactus in the south. I said night creature, but if you're noticed you become lunch--use caution.


                          • Discovery
                          • Leopard ★★★★ (Large creature) Exp:612 Fame:255
                            A large and fierce animal usually seen in areas such as the savannah. With its unique design, it is both beautiful and dangerous. While hunting, it will lay in wait for its prey in a tree. After making a kill, it will drag its prey into a tree to keep it out of reach of scavengers such as hyenas.

                            The discovery is near the human cactus to the south of the landing point

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