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        A cat that stands on two legs
        No Expiration
        Cape Town Adventurer's Guild
        Have you ever seen a cat that stands on its hind legs? That could be rather frightening. Anyway, there's a rumour that such a creature exists. Could you investigate it? It can apparently be found in the southern part of Africa. But no one will search for it because they're too scared. If you're willing to accept this job, why not ask around at a tavern in Luanda?
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                    This quest.
                    Observing the lovable meerkat 1

                    1. Luanda - speak with Customer
                    2. Luanda - speak with Shopkeeper
                    3. Africa Southwest Coast - Observe and Ecological Research near Pointed Boulder

                    1. Animal standing in the wastes
                    Yeah, I've seen it before. I was in the wastelands when one of them stood on its two feet while perched on a rock. They're about the size of a cat. I think the shopkeeper said something about seeing one before.

                    2. Animal that crawls up from the ground
                    Yes, I saw one on the way back from Karibib when I was travelling down the road. It popped out of the ground, stood on it's hind legs and began to make sounds. It almost sounded like a cat but they look different... they actually look a little frightening with their little black faces...

                    3. Animal that stands watch on two legs
                    It was probably standing on its hind legs because it was acting as the lookout. I think they are small, harmless creatures. They apparently inhabit the area on the way to Karibib. We'll make landfall and search the sharp boulders in the southeast.

                    Quest Mediation Permit


                      • Discovery
                      • Meerkat ★★ (Small creature) Exp:210 Fame:105
                        An animal the size of a cat that lives in southern Africa. They live in communal groups in their nests and have the habit of keeping a close watch on their surroundings while standing on their hind legs.

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