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      Athens Adventurer's Guild
      Do you know the legend of Atlantis? In ancient times, it was a legendary island that was somewhere in the ocean. The island sank beneath the surface and the lost treasures of Atlantis remain. How about looking for it?
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                1. Athens Tavern - Talk to barkeep
                2. Athens Archives - Talk to Scholar
                3. Athens Archives - Read Archaeology books x2
                5. Athens Archives - Talk to Scholar again

                Legend of the Labyrinthos 6 8 4 Knossos Palace

                Atlantis 1 9
                Critias 1 10
                Island on the green sea 1 1 4
                The true Pillars of Hercules 1
                The city below the waves 1
                Treasures of Atlantis 7 9 1 The Treasure of Atlantis

                1. Plato's book
                When you think of the legend of Atlantis, you have to think of Plato. Plato wrote about Atlantis in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias". Thanks to these works those of us living now in this generation can still know what Atlantis was like.

                2. Solon's story
                Plato was a classical Greek philosopher who wrote about a distant relative of his named Solon that lived 200 years prior in his dialogue "Timaeus". When Solon travelled to Eygpt, he heard the story of a country named Atlantis that fought against Athens long, long ago from the priests there.

                3. Timaeus 1
                There used to be an island infront of the Pillars of Hercules. This island was bigger the Libya and all of Asia combined, and from it you could travel by sea to other islands and other large continents. On the island of Atlantis, a great and powerful nation was built and the influence of the kings on that island reached far and wide.

                4. Timaeus 2
                The place where we live now is what has finally grown from a tiny sprout left over from a great catastrophe. The only reason we don't realise this is because the people that remained could not read or write, and it was not for many generations later until people invented the concept of the written word. The people of Greece don't know of the fact that there once was a great civilization that came before them.

                5. Pillars of Hercules
                According to the writings in "Timaeus" there are records of great floods in Eygpt and the origins of Greek civilization, and many other events that happened around the world. The Pillars of Hercules refer to the entrance to the strait of Gibraltar. So does that mean the island of Atlantis used to be somewhere in front of there?

                6. Atlantis
                According to the dialogue written by the Greek philosopher Plato called "Timaeus", Atlantis was located in front of the Pillars of Hercules and on that island a great and powerful nation was thriving. There are also supposedly documents that exist containing accounts of the great floods in Eygpt, the origin of Greek civilization, and about atlantis itself.


                    in Athens, talk to Barkeep (Tavern)
                    in Athens, talk to Scholar (Archives)
                    in Athens, browse Archaeology books x2, Greek needed (Archives)
                    in Athens, talk to Scholar (Archives)
                    Report quest

                    Greek is essential here to get the quest although translation note might do the trick

                    Hello. Once Atlantis disappears will I miss all the quests relating to finding Atlantis? I haven't done a single one yet. I just haven't had time.

                    The following things are confirmed to disappear when Atlantis does:

                    Crystals of Blessing (IE, you can't earn any more of them doing various activities, but the ones we already have should not disappear... I think)
                    Acropolis of Atlantis (City/Discovery)
                    Temple of Poseidon (endless dungeon in Atlantis which cannot be reached by ESBT; it's also home to six Memorial Album items, the Terra Amina club/staff recipe, and Orichalcum in certain treasure chests)
                    Treasure Hunt "Between Myth & Reality" (non-MA relic item Coat of the Nemean Lion; found in the Temple of Poseidon)
                    Ancient Technology Research (five MA items, plus six equipment recipes in your nation's palace, plus-plus Researcher Reward boxes, which can give Orichalcum and other prizes)
                    Solar Barge construction
                    20% success boost to Alchemy for those who have both visited Atlantis and kept their nation's Ancient Tech Research at a certain level

                    Atlantis quests are a bit tricky. From what I've read, it sounds like the various story quests of Atlantis (starting with Land of the Legendary King) will still be around, but because access to Atlantis is required in several cases, a few of them cannot be completed while Atlantis is gone. I don't think the story quests will disappear entirely... except maybe the ones which can't be done, to prevent frustration on the part of players who might pull them by accident?

                    Finally, there's the Ancient Ganadors, who drop nine MA items. I think they might actually stick around, but it's also possible they won't.

                    I can sympathize on the time aspect. I'm actually trying to finish them all myself. If you miss out on anything this time, don't worry... Atlantis will eventually return in the future (October, if we follow the Japan server models), with new goodies in addition to restoring the lost content. These return appearances will last exactly one month, then it disappears again until next time.

                    Hope that helps. Oh, and for anyone who may come here later: this particular Atlantis quest chain is unrelated to the Atlantis storyline, and will always be available. I just commandeered it for a bit. Cheers.

                    where can a person find all
                    the actual quests needed to find atlantis.

                    The quest chain for Atlantis is located here: Land of the Legendary King
                    Note: the first quest in the Atlantis chain is Legend of the Labyrinthos -- but other quests on the same page may distract you from noticing this.

                    Quest info is also located on a player blog, along with other details concerning Atlantis and its content (time-limited AND permanent). It's located here:



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