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      No Expiration
      Athens Adventurer's Guild
      The legend of Atlantis was written about Plato's books? But you haven't read Critias, right? They say there might be some record in Eygpt and so you might aswell go to alexandria and read "Critias".
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                1. Alexandria Archives - Talk to the scholar
                2. Alexandria Archives - Read Archaeology books x2
                4. Alexandria Archives - Talk to the scholar again

                Atlantis 1 9
                Critias 1 10
                Island on the green sea 1 1 4
                The true Pillars of Hercules 1
                The city below the waves 1
                Treasures of Atlantis 7 9 1 The Treasure of Atlantis

                1. The great library in ashes
                The legend of Atlantis? I do believe we used to have many documents about Atlantis in the great library. Unfortunately the great library was burned down during the time of Caesar and most of the papyrus that was left over was burned during our conflicts with the Arabs. We do have a copy of "Critias" left though.

                2. Critias 1
                Poseidon, king of the sea, was said to have had 10 children with a human woman named Cleito to create the first of the Atlanteans. The eldest son Atlus, would become king and called the island and the waters around it Atlantis. atlantis was warm all year long and had plenty of lush green. It was rich in agriculture and gold production and its ports were bustling with ships from lands far and wide.

                3. Critias 2
                At Poseidonis, the capitol of Atlantis located on Cleito's hill, there was a great temple that was decorated in glorious fashion from silver, gold, and metal called orichalcum that glows like fire. from the capitol city you could easily reach the sea through a series of canals arranged in concentric circles. However, all of that splendour was lost in a single night in a great earthquake and flood.

                4. The last days of Atlantis
                Critias' is an incomplete work, and it finishes with the following passage. "Zeus determined to chastise the people of Atlantis and so he assembled all of the gods and to them he spoke..." What he said after that is not written but it is assumed he came down to earth and punished the Atlanteans, sending them and their entire island to the bottom of the sea forever.

                5. Plato speaks
                According to Plato's dialogue, Atlantis was named by Atlus, the son of the sea god Poseidon and first king of Atlantis. The capitol was Poseidonis and there they built a great temple decorated with gold, silver, and a metal called orichalcum that glows like fire. However, Atlantis sunk into the depths of the ocean forever in a single night due to a great earthquake and flood.

                Quest Mediation Permit


                    Li Yue
                    in Alexandria, talk to Scholar (Archives)
                    in Alexandria, browse Archaeology books x2, Ancient Egyptian needed (Archives)
                    in Alexandria, talk to Scholar (Archives)
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