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      Golden monkey
      No Expiration
      Marseille Adventurer's Guild
      You've finished your report on the lion, haven't you? This job I have planned now might be difficult for someone who has never seen a lion before. There is said to live a monkey that looks like a lion in the south part of the New World. Go to the town bar master to hear more details.
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                        A sky of the promised colour 8 10 1 Hyacinth Macaw

                        1. Marseille Marseilles Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
                        2. Marseille Marseilles Tavern - Talk to Irene
                        3. Marseille Marseilles Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
                        4. San Juan - Talk to Barkeep
                        5. Santo Domingo - Talk to Wayra (4x)
                        6. Santo Domingo - Use Observe and Ecological Research in the northwest corner near the red flowers.

                        7. South America Southeast Coast - Use Observe and Ecological Research

                        King of the beasts 9 11 1 Lion
                        Currently here.
                        The right to chase legends 12 14 1 King Vulture

                        Lion's mane
                        About the monkey that looks like a lion? I can' say anything for sure as I've heard it from people myself. There is a monkey with a lion's mane. Sounds incredible, but it's a creature from the unknown world. You agree, Irene? That the adventurer said something like that?

                        Covered in golden fur
                        Yes, that's right. That customer said something like that. In the continent south of the Caribbean islands, there's a monkey covered with golden hair. And it has a magnificent mane like a lion. But only this information doesn't suggest much...

                        To San Juan
                        You should visit a town in the Caribbean for that. Let's see... San Juan would be a good place to start.

                        To Wayra
                        What? A monkey with golden manes? Sorry, I've never heard of such a creature. You should visit Wayra at the Tavern in Santo Domingo for stories of sailors.

                        What kind of creature this time?
                        Hello, may I take your order? Oh, you're the sailor who found Raul's sky-blue bird! Raul was very happy. So what creature are you hunting for now?

                        A thank you
                        ...a monkey with golden manes? I've heard a little bit about that. I don't know how useful it is, but listen anyway. I felt indebted to you anyway, so this is a good chance to repay you!

                        Adventurer from Europe
                        When I was still small, a very famous adventurer from Europe came to this town. He told me about it. It has golden fur all the way down to the tip of its tail, and has manes like a... what do you call those... big animals that live in the grasslands...

                        This is rye...
                        Li...ly... something. He told me he found it far south along the coast of Pernambuco. You should ask the port official for information on towns and lands. ...So, was that useful?

                        Southwest of Rio de Janeiro
                        A plot of land south of Pernambuco? To get there, you can land southwest of Rio de Janeiro. It's quite a distance away, so I wish you good luck and a safe journey.

                        Investigation of golden monkey
                        The golden monkey described by Wayra must be the same as the Lion-maned monkey in Irene's story. I should land southwest of Rio de Janeiro and search for that creature.

                          • Discovery
                          • Lion Tamarin ★★★★★★ (Small creature) Exp:1118 Fame:430
                            A small monkey of only 25 cm in height. It is covered in gold fur and has a crest like a lion's. It eats fruit, flowers, and insects.

                            Mayan language is MANDATORY to pull this quest.

                            Well, I got it without Mayan even through translation notes, but as people keep saying, having a listed skill helps increase the likelihood of a quest appearing. I'd imagine a certain amount of adventure fame would help, too.

                            I can see this little guy in my list of discoveries. Must've been long enough time so I don't remember details, but I never had mayan language or burned QMPs in Marseilles with translation notes looking for him (nor fleeted with any mayan speaker for him).

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