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          Painting based on Greek myth
          No Expiration
          Athens Adventurer's Guild
          Artists who have Greek or Roman influences often use mythology as their subject matter. This job is to gather information on one such artist, named Guido Reni, and his painting of Heracles. Talk to the Craftsman of Venice.
          •  Member
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                    [IMG19,Quest guide]
                    1. Venice - Craftsman
                    2. Venice President Shylock Estate - President Shylock
                    3. Venice Church - Right side of the Church Observe Search

                    [IMG16,Obtained info]
                    1. Location of Reni's collaboration piece
                    Reni's painting of Heracles was painted specifically for a single person, so I don't think you'll be able to see it. Although, I suppose you could try negotiating with the owner. It was part of a series of four paintings but maybe he'll agree to show you one. I believe the owner is President Shylock here in town.

                    2. Painting on display in a church
                    I quite like that series of paintings. However, I think that such a magnificent work of art should be seen by as many people as possible.
                    That's why I've put a work of his depicting the abduction of Deianeria up for public viewing in the church here in town. You should go look at it tooif you like.

                    3. Picture of Hercules' wife
                    There is a painting by Reni depicting the abduction of his wife on display in the church in Venice. I should look around the right side inside the church to find it.

                    Perception of Artisan

                    Deianeira Abducted by Nessus


                    Discovery experience 110, Card experience 27
                    Experience when reported 60, Fame 60, Perception of Artisan x3

                      • Discovery
                      • Deianeira Abducted by Nessus ★ (Work of art) Exp:110 Fame:40
                        One piece from a series on the Labours of Hercules by Guido Reni. The scene where Hercules' wife Dejanira was taken away by a Centaur called Nessus. It is a work with an exceptional sense of movement.

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