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  • Venice Church
    Venice Church
    Venice Church
    Venice Church

Venice 4

Luxurious Clothing Map 6 Gentlewoman's Dress
Tapestry Map 2 Tapestry of the Old Testament
Art Delivery Record 2
Tapestry Map 2 Tapestry of the Old Testament
Breakout Work 2 6 8 1 St. Mary of the Friars
Paintings of Michelangelo 1 5 7 1 The Holy Family
Da Vinci's altarpiece 4 6 1 The Virgin of the Rocks
Painting of faithful saveing Saint Mark 1 4 6 1 Saint's Body Brought to Venice
Da Vinci's altarpiece 4 6 1 The Virgin of the Rocks
Painting based on Greek myth 1 2 1 Deianeira Abducted by Nessus
Painting of faithful saveing Saint Mark 1 4 6 1 Saint's Body Brought to Venice
Painting based on Greek myth 1 2 1 Deianeira Abducted by Nessus
Glasswork from Venice 1 2 1 Decorated Goblet
A Clean Painting 2 1 2 1 The Annunciation
Painting of faithful saveing Saint Mark 1 4 6 1 Saint's Body Brought to Venice
Da Vinci's altarpiece 4 6 1 The Virgin of the Rocks
Venice church ceiling painting 1 1 1 The Last Judgement
Painting of Saint's chronicle 1 1 1 St. Etienne in Jerusalem
A Clean Painting 2 1 2 1 The Annunciation
Statue of the Greek games 2 4 1 The Discus
Revival of the Trojan war 12 11 13 8 Laocoon
Restoration of famous items 1 1 8
Painting based on Greek myth 1 2 1 Deianeira Abducted by Nessus
A Clean Painting 2 1 2 1 The Annunciation
Da Vinci's altarpiece 4 6 1 The Virgin of the Rocks
With a heart full of memories 12 14 12 Peacock Brooch 4
Three Gifts 3 15 17 1 Gifts from the Three Wise Men 2

r18 Search behind altar: Dull long sword, tonsure.

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