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      Bones of a winged dragon
      No Expiration
      Alexandria Adventurer's Guild
      Well, the rest area owner in Beirut really is something... Anyhow, there's no one who has really investigated about whether or not dragons actually existed. Although they often appear in old stories. This is a good opportunity, though. DO some research at the library here in town.
      •  Member
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                        Scholar (Alexandria)
                        Biology Archives (Alexandria)
                        Customer (Beirut)
                        Resident (Beirut)
                        Port Official (Beirut)

                        The sword of St. George 1 5
                        Askalon 1 1
                        Relayed by legends 1 1 1
                        Dragon slayer 1 1 1
                        Brave George 1
                        Currently Here!
                        Crest of the Dragon Slayer 3 5 1 Dragon Slayer Crest
                        Banner of the Dragon Slayer 1 1
                        Treasure of Asmodai 1 3 1 The Jewel of Asmodeus

                        Traces of the giant shark
                        Whatever the legend, the gist of the appearance is always the same. The olive-green skin, bat-like wings, long tail, pointy claws, fierce and cruel constitution, belching fire and smoke, and having poisonous breath besides. Having wings, perhaps it flies. Why don't you check some writings on it?

                        Animal with long tail
                        I had been thinking that the dragon was some variety of a giant snake like in the myths, but the wings and the claws, they didn't fit the snake narrative and always bothered me. Hear that they keep finding bones of some giant animal with a long tail and wings in the Syrian desert. Does look like the dragon is best different from a snake, doesn't it.

                        Found long ago
                        Bones of a long-tailed winged creature? Hmmm... You know, long ago they were finding all kinds of bones around town here in the old days. Varied in size but they say one was as big as ten head of sheep. Of course, there were also the bones of some winged creature. But then you don't hear of any such discoveries these days.

                        Uncovered bones
                        Asking if there are an bones of long-tailed creatures? Those kind of bones are rare and going for a mint; they say there are already holes being dug everywhere . Why don't you search someplace else? Must be someone well versed in these rumors.....

                        To the west of Alexandria
                        Big animal bones, is that it?... Hmmm, heard they did find some bone-like things west of Alexandria, but a long-tailed creature.... Fact is, I too have only heard the rumors, and don't really know the details.

                        Seeking the bones of a dragon
                        Story goes that a long time ago near Beirut they did find large-sized animal bones, but lately nothing. There is a possibility of finding them round the disembark point west of Alexandria. Disembark and conduct a search concentrating on the area of the ruins.


                          • Discovery
                          • The Bones of a Winged Dragon ★★ (Fossil) Exp:370 Fame:170
                            A bedrock shaped like a dragon with huge wings. It was discovered in the rocky stretches near Alexandria. With its great wings expanded, it is all dragon. This may well be the dragon of legend.

                            in Alexandria, speak to Scholar (Archives)
                            in Alexandria, browse Biology books, Arabic needed (Archives)
                            in Beirut, speak to Customer in blue wear (Rest Area)
                            in Beirut, speak to Resident (near Mosque)
                            in Beirut, speak to Port Official (Harbour)
                            in Egypt North Coast, use Observe and Search near Ruins (West of Alexandria)
                            Report quest

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