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  • Egypt North Coast
    Egypt North Coast
    Egypt North Coast
    Egypt North Coast
  • Egypt North Coast 3

FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

D.K.K_map http://www2.atwiki.jp/harrington/

D.K.K_map http://www2.atwiki.jp/harrington/
UWO WIKI http://unchartedwaters.wikia.com/wiki/Official_Uncharted_Waters_Wiki

D.K.K_map http://www2.atwiki.jp/harrington/
Ivory Statue of Goddess Map 7 Ivory Statue of Goddess
Pointed Monolith Map 1 2 Obelisk
Opulent Jewellery Map 1 1 Necklace Worn Off Plating
Opulent Jewellery Map 4 2 Small Bejewelled Box
Ancient Tools Map 1 1 Pottery
Ancient Burial Map 4 1 Ancient Human Bone
Ancient Burial Map 2 1 The Golden Grave Burial Items
Opulent Jewellery Map 1 1 Necklace Worn Off Plating
Opulent Jewellery Map 4 2 Small Bejewelled Box
Ivory Statue of Goddess Map 7 Ivory Statue of Goddess
Ornate Decoration Map 1 3 Arabesque Water Bottle
Copperwork Map 1 5 Sculptured Group of Soldiers
Caravan Record 1 5
Treasure Map 1 2
Ivory Statue of Goddess Map 7 Ivory Statue of Goddess
Ancient Burial Map 2 1 The Golden Grave Burial Items
Pointed Monolith Map 1 2 Obelisk
Humpback Animal Map 2 1 Dromedary
Ancient Burial Map 2 1 The Golden Grave Burial Items
Ancient Tools Map 1 1 Pottery
Ancient Burial Map 4 1 Ancient Human Bone
Opulent Jewellery Map 4 2 Small Bejewelled Box
Final dynasty of Egypt 2 3 5 3 The Sceptre of Ptolemy I
Fox of the desert 1 2 1 Fennec Fox 2
Final dynasty of Egypt 2 3 5 3 The Sceptre of Ptolemy I
Crusade Tragedy 3 3 5 3 Etienne's Staff
Fox of the desert 1 2 1 Fennec Fox 2
Final dynasty of Egypt 2 3 5 3 The Sceptre of Ptolemy I
Fox of the desert 1 2 1 Fennec Fox 2
Final dynasty of Egypt 2 3 5 3 The Sceptre of Ptolemy I
Son of Cleopatra 2 1 2 1 The Marble Statue of Caesarion 1
Fox of the desert 1 2 1 Fennec Fox 2
Son of Cleopatra 2 1 2 1 The Marble Statue of Caesarion 1
Goddess who deceived Melos island 6 12 14 1 The Venus de Milo
Black Market for Ocean Relics 1
Bones of a winged dragon 1 4 6 1 The Bones of a Winged Dragon
Son of Cleopatra 2 1 2 1 The Marble Statue of Caesarion 1
Investigation of Cleopatra's son 1 2 1
Jewel of Ancient Egypt 6 8 1 Libyan Desert Glass 1
Coffin Worth Dying For 15 17 1 Coffin of Osiris 1
Solomon's Glory 15 17 1 Solomon's Shields 1
A Man in Blue 1 6 8 1 Black Desert 2

Saltpetre doesn't seem to be showing on the collection list, but it's here as well.

In one of the updates from a long time ago, it replaced the ability to collect Agate with Saltpetre instead. Im guessing it's because it made grinding collecting too easy and too profitable (in a time before nanban and dungeons that is).

Land investigation here requires a discovery, so bring a map or an adventure quest with you.

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