- City
- Skills
- Discovery
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- Rewards
- Required
Undeciphereble scripture
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
At Palembang, there was a long time ago a Buddhist country called Srivijaya. It was at this Palembang that a long scripture was found. It is kept by the Palembang town official and the Scholar would like to know what it says.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Palembang - Talk to City Official x3
Palembang - Front of City Official use
Observe and
Search Reward:
Quest Mediation Permit x1
Adventure Experience: 340, Adventure Card: 170
Adventure Experience: 350, Adventure Fame: 98

It seems like this scripture contains Buddhist teachings, but it is written in Sanskrit and I cannot read it. If you are well-versed in the languages of India, perhaps you can read this scripture?

2.Scripture that reaches the equinoctial week
The scripture contains the Sanskrit words Prajna and Paramita, or "Wisdom" and "Perfection". It seems like the scripture outlines the way of achieving enlightened wisdom in Buddhism.

3.Continue the translation!
Interesting! Continue to read the book. Unfortunately, I cannot loan it to you, since it is the only copy that has been found. I will ask you to translate it again.

4.Undecipherable scripture
The scripture found in Palembang described the method of reaching Buddhist enlightenment. I should search again and confirm the content of the scripture. After that, I should report to the guild.
- Discovery
Prajnaparamita ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:340 Fame:170
The name used for much Buddhist scripture. Also called the Perfection of Wisdom. Prajna is a Sanskrit word meaning insight leading to enlightenment.
to finish this quest you have to use the search skill right in front of the city official.