Black and Red Ore is best found in the south-east corner next to the white flowers.
You can procure mice in North Dublin. My rank is r7
NPC Weapon & Trap techs used.
Robber Lv2, Life Points (50)
Swift Throw R1(R), No Requirements .. (Throwing Knife Equipped)
Critical Throw R1(Y), No Requirements .. (Throwing Knife Equipped)
Trick Throw R1(Y) (Throwing R3, Feint R5, (Critical Throw acquired).
Ireland Bandit Lv4, Life Points (65)
Sweeping Slash R1(R) (No Requirements .. (Sword Equipped.))
Lifting Slash R1(Y) (No Requirements .. (Sword Equipped.))
Trick Sword* R1(Y) (SP R3, Feint R6, (Lifting Sword acquired.))
Fallen Military Man Lv3, Life Points (55)
Sweeping Slash R1(R) (No Requirements .. (Sword Equipped.))
Trick Sword* R1(Y) (SP R3, Feint R6, (Lifting Sword acquired.))
Lifting Slash R1(Y) (No Requirements .. (Sword Equipped.))
Bee Call (Trap skill R1)+(Biology R3)
RobberLv2 Life Points (50)
Dart Trap (Trap Skill R1)
Bandit Lv4, Life Points (55) Rare use.
North Brigade Lv5 Life Points (65) Uses lots.
SP = Sword Play, SM = Sword Mastery, GF = Gunfire, SN = Snipe
R = Rank or Skill levl required.
^Correction to the above post: The Robber lv2 NPC can also use the r1 Blue tech, Chain throw. That would make the correct loadout as follows:
Robber Lv2, Life Points (50)
Swift Throw R1(R), No Requirements .. (Throwing Knife Equipped)
Chain Throw R1(B), No Requirements .. (Throwing Knife Equipped)
Critical Throw R1(Y), No Requirements .. (Throwing Knife Equipped)
Trick Throw R1(Y) (Throwing R3, Feint R5, (Critical Throw acquired).
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