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  • Manila Galleon 200
    A Large Transport Galleon used for
    voyages across the Pacific Ocean.

    Build Original Ship
  • Base Performance
    Ship Hold info
    Sailing Requirements

    Studding Sail: 4, Broadside: 4
    Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 0
    Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 1

    Optional Skill



                Range 645 ~ 1075
                Effective Range 688 ~ 1039
                Volume 860 (Manila Galleon Cabin 76 + Cannon Chambers 52 + Hold 732)

                Cabin: (50% or Sailors required 120%) ~ 150%
                Cannon Chambers: 50% ~ 150%
                Hold: Volume - Cabin - Cannon Chambers = Hold
                Manila Galleon Cabin: 50 ~ 114 Cannon Chambers: 26 ~ 78

                Range 1075 - 50 - 26 = 999
                Effective Range 1039 - 50 - 26 = 963

                It's the famous "Manila galleon"

                is it possible to build one?

                is it possible to build one now ?

                no it is not

                Wen zhi
                You need T3 Update to have it in game
                Just wait for UWO update

                this would make a good dungeon and production ship

                Gusto ko ito! >_<

                dungeon production you mean like TLG except smaller...

                It's not smaller, don't know where you're getting that.

                TLG maxes out at 943 I believe and this one will go to 1075

                augh no i got it wrong, it maxes at 999, not 1075.

                Nevertheless, still larger than TLG

                but dungeon you do with esbt from eu you never fill your hold on each visit and production well you got an extra 60 hold wow well worth the extra 6m

                its basicly a big slow pirate magnet

                Shirin you dnt need ESBT if you go to the dungeon it self. . . .

                Flagship of the Philippines Company in Lisbon.

                i want this to be my battle ship when this will be available?

                This is not a battle ship.

                i know its not but i want to use it for battle thats why im asking when it will be available in game?


                go to the dungeon itself in this TUG and i promise you i will hunt you all the way to EU repeatedly

                i dont see this ship at manila right now, the only one that pops there is the Tri-deck galleon, a maritime ship. also i have invested over 100m in the city so this is not the problem.

                do we need more dev? currently dev is at 34794.

                35337 now, ive thrown away 100 more.

                I'll invest 100mil if someone will build me one once it's available.

                i think need more development in this city.

                i have prepared parts to build 5 of this ship and found out the development not enough, would be really happy if u will invest there >.

                The real question should be....does it will be available to be build with less than 65k dev? or it needs more than that?

                This ship is going to be pretty slow, personally as a person that does long distance merchant trading i would prefer a faster ship with less cargo, because time = money

                lol slower than MAV

                this is not meant to be your flagship in the fleet... this one is about cargo. this is an upgrade of your TLG.

                btw, please invest in Manila. we still dont have this ship there afaik.

                BigSven shall invest if someone promises to build me one when it's available.

                I'm not sure, but one of the GM said that all the new ship will be available only through NC things, I repeat i'm not sure.
                --Through Forum

                Hmm seems spy is correct, GMbonney seems to be saying he has confirmed with the devs that the Xebec frigate, the Xebec cruiser, and the manila galleon will be available only as NC ships. I have asked for confirmation, if anyone wants to see the forum post its on the uwo website

                Ouch :D

                I encourage anyone not happy with it to say so on the forum, let them know how we feel. Probably wont do any good but at least we can speak our minds


                i've invested millions of ducats for nothing.

                WHAT! not fair! gimme the link to the forum please

                Can't post links. I just tried. Go to main Netmarble site --> Community --> Discussion - General --> "new ships on this patch" thread.

                What are you people crying about so loud?
                I really can only see that this ship is a magnet for people who want to multifleet. So to say, "those of you who do", have milions if not bilions of ducats and should return a favour to the game which made you rich and simply invest Manila with your huge profits.
                As for the other thing, i dont know if Manila galleon is NC only, but can confirm that have allready built xebec cruiser and xebec frigate.
                Such a damn good ship, might outclass those small clippers real soon.

                PS: You did not invest for nothing, you trained sociability and gotten trade fame ;)

                Greetings from Mr.Grandenigo!

                Well i for one dont think its that great of a ship, but its pure greed on netmarble's part if they made it NC only. Its definately not high enough caliber to warrant the "nc ship only" tag, and the only reason they would do it, if they indeed did, was that they felt alot of new players wanted it, and they felt they could make some cash off of it.

                As an aside note, the post under the name "jafar" right under spy was done by me, and i forgot to change the name. It seems the xebec cruiser was wrong and i shouldnt have typed that name in. the new ships in the recent patch, if i am not mistaken, are xebec frigate, roman galley, and manila galleon. And GMBonny has not yet replied, but here is a direct quote for those that havent read the forum post:

                "by toshihiko on Jun 27, 2012 09:23 PM

                Hi GM,

                what are the new ship that are release on this patch

                from web,

                xebec frigate and roman galley

                so what other ships?

                IGN : Hinaichigo, 57/65/56

                Sewing, Handi, Casting, Cooking and SB

                Deputy Director of London Trading Company"

                "by GM_Bonny Jun 28, 2012 02:55 PM

                Hello toshihiko

                I have confirmed with the devs that these ships will only be available in the NC store.


                Whew, someone just QQ the game and of course i made a complaint :)
                Follow my leads? aye?
                No? -__- fine... aha~

                Once again i MUST reply, i really dont know why you beleive everything you read on a forum and BTW, so what if a "GM" says it, its just a person.

                So im telling you again: I ALLREADY BUILT roman galley, xebec cruiser and xebec frigate.
                Dont really know why manila galleon would be any different, just develop the town and see for yourself.
                By the way, i remember similar whining about developing Havana when Schooners came out....

                One more fact, NC ship usualy have prefix "modified" in front of their name, there is only 2 such ships i see;
                Modified Highly Agile Xebec and Modified Square Sail Xebec

                Allright , found it :
                Modified Manila Galleon (cant post link), see the difference?

                I feel so stupid of not thinking of a modified version... oh well x)

                No stats on the Modified Manila Galleon yet but it has increased hold capacity. So it should be the king of cargo for all ships on the server... since the normal Manila Galleon can reach almost to 1000, the modified one - maybe 1050 or 1100.

                2 words: Develop Manila.

                invest!!! please lol this ship is great

                is this ship still has hope by investing???
                why bonny doesnt reply the thread by saying manila galleon is available by invest???

                thats a good question Chee.


                why dont you go ask GM_Bonny on the Netmarble site,
                as this site is NOT a Netmarble site ok...

                Is this ship even any good for anyone other than mulifleeters/multiboxers???

                P.S. Come back to game Chee plz.

                i think this ship might well be the best ship in its class

                Ship Class type : PIRATE MAGNET

                GMBrewmaster just confirmed that this need 52k development in manilla

                Right now Manila is at 36095 development

                How much investment does it need to get to 52k development?

                Manila investment = 36105.

                But I've just invested 100 million so that will jump up soon.

                Wen zhi
                yeah that will jump a couple hundred points at least

                development is readjusted hourly so go check n let us know exactly how much development increased with your 100m invest please it would be nice to know

                Meng Meng
                Development .
                Need crazy amount of money to raise the point T_T

                lol so its at least 2hours since your '100mil invest post' and neither you or anybody else has posted new development figure for Manila.

                when i get in from work in about an hour im tempted to sail over there from Caribbean just to check Manila's development n post here so we got some idea what 100m invest equates to in development points.

                it will be approx 4hrs after your post but im pretty sure the increase will be small...

                My company member, LukeCoolhair, invested a billion (or so) today and flipped it to Ottoman. Not sure of the dev now but it should show a nice increase.

                it would show only 100 mil equivalent increase, the rule is for more dev invest at max 100-200 mil per hour total, to flip port invest the max you can the faster you can, so if he wanted to just dev it he threw away 800-900 mil.

                I didn't say that he invested 1 billion in one hour.

                Montador, he should invest more. Lol

                37669 dev 3-jul-12 6pm gmnt-4

                I invested 125 m just before the maintenance. Hopefully get the dev up to more than 38000.

                38159 now... hmm.... I think I'll drop another 100.

                GMBonny just issued a correction on the NM forums, said there was a mis-communication and that the manila galleon is definately available to be built in game

                Development at 41078. I put another 110m so it'll go up a bit. Let's get investing people.

                whats the Dev at now?


                keep pumping more money in :D

                yeah! keep pumping so SB'er will sell this for 70mil! -_-

                so sylvia, do you think having rank 19/20 sb, plus hauling 5 hard-to-make and time consuming pieces all the way to manila then back to europe, an easy task that should not be rewarded with even a mere 70m ? :/

                oh and dont forget the ship costs an additional 10-11m ish to make, as well as the 5 pieces...

                im a R19 SB'er and no i will not sell for 70mil and i never sell more then 1.5X price of build cost unlike peopl like you who make excuses to sell at stupid high prices, i sell at a nice respectable price.. Why? 1. they sell faster(alot faster) 2. so leaves me more room to make more to sell and 3. So in long run i make more money and profits then you all who try sell at high price... no im not in it for money even thou its nice and all i do it for the fairness to make it a enjoyable and less frustrating game to players

                So ty and good-bye

                lool its good to know ur ships wont be many so the normal prices will prevail over ur dump strategy...

                Claudia your a moron Sylvia's strat is really smart and much alot of sence so i think ima do the same damn thing and the "normal prices" are over priced due to greed hungry losers who care nothing but to rip people off

                And Sylvia's ship would not be many in bazaar due to it selling fast so in sence alot people will have them soon and your over priced ship will nvr sell =)

                Manila is easily 1 hour away, 1 hour back, plus 27 building days per ship, not to mention the problem of having to contend with pirates.

                the base cost of the ship, including parts, will be around 20 million, so if you only sell at 150% profit, if you can manage to bring back 3, thats 30 million profit, and it takes almost 5 hours of labor. if you do the math, thats 6 million per hour. Sure, you can combine it with a spice run, and increase the profit, but even with spice, 860 cargo per 5 hours of work, at 20,000 in the company shop, 17.2 million, plus the 30 million from the ships, is almost 50 million. Ok thats easy math now, the profit is 10 mil per hour.

                Heck i can earn 3 times that amount farming easy to get items like AOS, which sells very well, without having to leave the safety of europe. And you dungeon grinders out there, who live at lima, can easily confirm that 10 million per hour is definately considered low profit compared to dungeon runs.

                It takes alot of hard work to get to r19, and if shipbuilders are going to be expected to dedicate their whole day to making and selling a few ships, then they should be paid for their time and skill. I personally think 70 million is a bit high, but anything less than 45 million is a joke and is insulting to the time consuming effort these ships take.

                And given the time involved in making them, gathering parts, sailing there, etc, you will be lucky to sell more than 4 or so per day. You cannot "sell more by lowering the cost" as you say, because even if you sell them fast, there will be another 5 hour time sink to make more

                Sounds like you need shared storage.

                what laurena said :D

                and, thanks, you saved me some time putting the calc here i didnt have time for that.

                you whiny assed git 'contend with pirates '

                im a trader currently alchemist im lvl 52 ive been pirated x2 in 18months in SEA - it has cost me 189k cash 70 spices and 1x21/24/-1 sail which was low dura.

                now exactly how much do you have to 'contend with pirates' in your 2hours of sailing, taking into account the new pirate rules, the fact that pirates cant take a ship from you and you dont carry cargo and dont need carry that much cash either,then there's the fact 'player pirates' dont hunt near Manilla (i have a pirate alt), also if in Manilla head east to Panama you will never see a pirate,

                AND YOUR CHARGING AN EXTRA 59m TO COVER YOUR 'contend with pirates' BS

                ^^^^ and if your a good SB 59m x 4 per trip to cover your 'contend with pirates clause'
                i see you didnt enter your true ign as of course you wouldnt want this bad press huh

                contend with pirates MAJOR FAIL

                SB was your career choice wasn't it?
                and i bet all my damn dungeon, adventuring, trading and alchemy-made cash that you aint
                just a shipbuilder that you also adventure, trade and dungeon also just as much as the people your dissing in your statement so 'wind yer neck in' stop yer BS

                Cao Wei
                yes then theres the shared storage and multi alt concept that most SB worth their salt would utilize so then you dont sail back n fore to Manilla just chuck boat to shared store get out other end on alt pass to another acct to sell

                (we all know SB grind the skill back to back all day losing cash, so doing it to make a profit wont be hard for you to do again huh)

                So 27min per ship =2 an hour = 16 per day(profit margin just went up considerably) now its 160m per day by your own reckoning


                so to re-cap for the SB charging 70m per ship, that's,
                40m (profit per ship)
                x16 (ships per day)
                =640m per day profit -
                (^^^^this is to cover the cost of contending with pirates for 2 hours)

                yes yes yes i can see where your being completely honest about your BS now

                id like the name of any DUNGEON GRINDER out there that can make 640m per day dungeoning

                maybe 'Laurena' could tell us of 1

                all from holfina to now is me and im r19 SB i get shared short term from TB and if i do it then why not you ?... you telling me you dont spend cash? also the profit margin is greater fr the 70m dude as he could actually make the parts as i do

                Port Official
                lol i just noticed you took 8months it only took me 3 and i was taking my time

                This will be my last post then im going to stop. You guys are just plain stupid, contending with pirates was never my main point, and i never claimed it to be a major factor in the price. If you read my post, my main point for the high cost was the time consuming effort they take, and the limited number of ships that can be made per day.

                My original post is 100% accurate. You rich snobs who pump hundreds of real life dollars into the game per month can just shut the hell up, not everyone is rich enough to have shared storage.

                And yes, Laurena is my real character name in game, so message me all you like, and if i sell ships, ill charge what i darn well please, because that 160 mil per day claim is garbage.

                Do not BS a shipbuilder? i want to see you make 16 ships per day if you are on a fixed income and cannot afford shared storage. I think im the one that should be saying that, because you are definately throwing out alot of BS

                By the way, having an alt active as the same time as your shipbuilder, such as dragging alts to manila to make more ships, is against the games rules, and ill be the first to report you if i see it happening, and get you banned.

                Maybe you should learn a little more before you open your big mouth next time, and realize that if you are following the rules of the game, and you cannot afford to spend real money for in game items like shared storage, then 4-5 ships per day, and a 10 million per ship profit is all you will get if you sell those at 150% profit.

                @ jafar you mean the lowest common denominator = THE TRUTH

                $10 shared storage for 1 month sit in Manilla that long making this ship and use that 10 bucks to its fullest
                16 ships per day
                x30 days
                x40m profit per ship
                =19.2b profit

                I know i said that last post would be my last, but i justwanted to add something.

                Why dont we have shared storage? its called making a budget and
                sticking to it, when you have bills to pay and live on a fixed income, you bank your money and save it for a rainy day, instead of the "its only 5 dollars" method you obviously use.

                When you start spending money foolishly for in game items, then it gets easier to spend more and more. I do not have a credit card, because it is too easy to spend money on the internet. No credit card = no NC points, no points = no shared storage, and no shared storage is 50 million per day profit max.

                Yes i do dungeons and make money adventuring and thats my point. Why should shipbuilders waste their time delivering ships for low profit, when they can make much more profit elsewhere. Do you really expect shipbuilders to grind SB to max, and then deliver ships with low profit when they could be doing other things that are far more profitable?

                If you guys are rank 19 SB and have shared storage and can just pump em out dozens at a time without sailing back then im happy for you. But i dont, and if i wanna make that trip worthwhile i need to charge more.

                And why even bellyache in the first place? players can easily earn 40 million per 2 hours of work in todays game.

                If you read my post, i said, quite clearly, 70 million was too high, and anything below 45 was too low, so working 2 hours to get a new ship, that has a ship skill and 999 cargo? sounds fair to me

                if you did it in 3 months then you clearly have no life and no job and spend 15 hours a day on the game.

                as for the ridiculous math there might I ask who in their right mind is going to spend 8 hours a day every day building ships? and then at least another 8 hours each day in bazaar to sell them?

                you people are just flat out stupid

                How do u level shipbuilding or any skill for that matter if you dont grind it hour after hour. Visit seville and look into bazaars, many AFK's

                Ming Mei



                please please please build lots of these slow boats and charge the earth for them that way not only will i pirate them but essentially youve pirated them also double kill hehehehe

                Cao Wei
                hey if your such a budgeter why did you choose a job that costs so damn much? saving it for a rainy day were you

                i budget and i got $10 spare after so i spend it here rather than hope i survive until that rainy day you mention because if you get to death before your rainy day you will kick yourself that its sitting there and you didnt spend it

                a Laurena so you actually mean *

                hey i dungeon and adventure and trade and in 5 hours i can make 100m profit so if ima build you a ship the price is going to reflect my losses from any other profit makin i do normally in that time

                ^^^ good point from now on i shall blockade ports it will cost 50m each to leave as i could make that much profit just from SB this ship twice

                what you guys don't get is that most shipbuilders don't waste time building ships for sale anymore. for friends and company members sure but there is not enough profit in it for the time demands. not to mention having to deal with whinny, needy people who want everything handed to them and want it down ASAP and don't want to pay nothing but cost or slightly above.

                its funny people don't think twice about paying 70 million for a sword or 50 million for some enhanced boots.. ect...ect... ect...

                but for a ship? good luck getting a price to fairly compensate for the time and effort. all you people are doing is drying up the ship building market.

                Then dont concern yourself with what other players are doing and stop poking your nose where it isnt wanted.

                You are rude and obnoxious, if you are r19 then you can sell your ships for what you want, we will sell them at what we want. You can save your self rightous attitude for someone else.

                You will not alter our prices any, so if you think you can spite us by selling them at dirt cheap then do your worst, i wont care one bit i have other ways to make money in game.

                And just for the record i just hit r19 yesterday dork, so i havent had a chance to make and sell any ships at all, the profit i listed was the profit one would make if they didnt have shared storage and tried to sell manila galleons at your stupid price.

                Ironically, you agreed with me. making 50 million a day as a SBer is stupid, so, if i charged what you said, then i am indeed stupid

                Sorry lisa that wasnt directed at you, it was directed at the whiney players above us.

                I agree 100% with what you said

                there are 6 rank 19 shipbuilders and 1 rank 20 in my company and not a single one bothers to waste the time to build ships specifically for sale anymore. it isn't worth the time and it certainly isn't worth the trouble of dealing with unappreciative people that are so clearly displayed right here on this page

                while many R19 SB i know start disappearing, even one of them deleting her account because false information about this ship on forum
                keep trolling us, keep calling us no lifers and don't look at our struggle to reach R19
                enough of this, i wont sell my service anymore
                only for friends and comp members
                good luck finding R19 shipbuilders that willing to build ship for you while their population are near extinct and not many people choose this profession

                regards, R19 SB

                Meng Meng
                no i did not agree with you that you only make 50m per day SBing

                if you have no intention as a SB to make ships to sell to the masses why the hell did you take up SB in the first place, because at r19/20 youve lost so much damn money that you will never make back ever, if your only building for yourself , your company and friends

                or did your 7x company SB's plough all that gamecash in, blindly believing they could compete with NC ships

                the real reason why SB's dont waste their time building ships, is because the majority of players spend gamecash on buying NC ships from other players, not standard ships from SB's.
                because the dungeons have made earning gamecash easy, a month or two at Lima and you can pretty much afford any NC ship

                you still need SB at certain rank to improve your fancy NC ship, and some ship skills need certain rank of SB to appear and surely you want to improve your fancy NC ship with R19/20 SB to get max performance, otherwise it's junk

                nah good luck finding one, i'm outta here

                i know many =) but i dont want this shitmagnet

                lol i also dont sail/own fancy NC ships

                Port Official
                comment about This ship sure is long ...

                I read some... My better half is a rank 20 SB in the game, and we play together. He took SB just for us to make ships and improve what we have. He refuses to build ships for non company members, and I understand why. People here are a good example of what kind of people he has to deal with. Ship I wonder how many of the mouthy whiners here are REAL RANK 20 SHIPBUILDERS, come on, you want to make a point right? Leave your IGN.

                As for the price, I'd pay 70 million for this ship and I do believe that's a fair price. And for people who's using this math bullshit about how 16 ships a day can make them billions of profits... Did you include how long each ships take? 25?30 minutes? Multiply that to 16 ships. That's 7 hours of shipbuilding. And it's easy to say that it doesn't sound bad because they don't have to do anything but sit outside, but that's just inconsiderate to say so. Do none of you ever wonder why there are a lot of shipbuilders, but rank 20 shipbuilders are like gems?

                well i believe 40m is a good price for ReForged Black Prince armour, being as only alchemist can make it and this skill cost lots to grind also, and the sailing round making ingredients etc, but would you pay that much just because I SAID its worth that much ???
                well blueberry, laurena, hernan, hans, lisa etc etc

                and you expect me to take your word for your 70m tag hmmm

                AAH nameless commenters.. How nice of people to prove my point about ungrateful whiners.. You pay for the work and how high the level was needed to produce or obtain the goods. You wanna know why sewing version books get more expensive as you go? Because you need to plunder them off ships.. HIGH plunder..Same shit with everything else in the game. How much trouble did you put into making that armor? How hard was the materials to get? How hard was the recipe to get?.. This boat is a free style ship build. It needs parts. Do you expect SB in manila to teleport to seville to pick up parts for you and then get it done ASAP? Or if you request this ship from EU? HEY! if you think it's absolutely hogwash that 70 million is totally not worth the time and effort RARE HIGH-RANKED SHIP BUILDERS put on the game to grind the skill for months, then hey! Maybe you should take up ship building for yourself? Cos apparently, you know damn well it doesn't take much effort to be able to build ships like this ^^

                7hours of shipbuilding are you complaining bout that, bet you happily do 7 hrs adventuring or at oxford or dungeoning or grinding a skill such as well SB for example, but when its to make an honest (not inflated) profit its a hardship for ya is it.
                What you mean is you make bigger profits elsewhere in the game, you all r19, ADMITTED here you only build for your companies, friends etc-so shut up.
                We obviously dont need a reply from you lot, your prices mean jack, because you only build for your friends...

                AAH nameless commenters.. How nice of people to prove my point about ungrateful whiners.. You pay for the work and how high the level was needed to produce or obtain the goods. You wanna know why sewing version books get more expensive as you go? Because you need to plunder them off ships.. HIGH plunder..Same shit with everything else in the game. How much trouble did you put into making that armor? How hard was the materials to get? How hard was the recipe to get?.. This boat is a free style ship build. It needs parts. Do you expect SB in manila to teleport to seville to pick up parts for you and then get it done ASAP? Or if you request this ship from EU? HEY! if you think it's absolutely hogwash that 70 million is totally not worth the time and effort RARE HIGH-RANKED SHIP BUILDERS put on the game to grind the skill for months, then hey! Maybe you should take up ship building for yourself? Cos apparently, you know damn well it doesn't take much effort to be able to build ships like this ^^

                oh you mean like HIGH rank search and HIGH rank alchemy and yes theres a shitload of sailing around to gather the ingredients also maybe you should look into it..

                or do you expect me to run round like a headles chicken making stuff for you and charge you a cheap price for my efforts

                @Etta are you talking to me?

                Madam'Blueberry wins flawless victory.

                ps i dont want this ship but it seems your dissing everybody who isnt a SB
                because we havnt put as much effort into our trades, im a r11 alchemist with cast, sew, hc, storage, etc r15 are you saying my grinding has been miniscule compared to you grinding SB

                @ Etta did you read what I said? I don't understand why it can't be any clearer

                "You pay for the work and how high the level was needed to produce or obtain the goods."

                "How much trouble did you put into making that armor? How hard was the materials to get? How hard was the recipe to get?"

                Idk Etta you tell me.. -,-

                how hard is the shipbuilding recipe to get and the materials etc for this ship

                im only r12 SB so i aint got a clue

                @ Etta did you read what I said? I don't understand why it can't be any clearer

                "You pay for the work and how high the level was needed to produce or obtain the goods."

                "How much trouble did you put into making that armor? How hard was the materials to get? How hard was the recipe to get?"

                Idk Etta you tell me.. -,-

                @ Etta did you read what I said? I don't understand why it can't be any clearer

                "You pay for the work and how high the level was needed to produce or obtain the goods."

                "How much trouble did you put into making that armor? How hard was the materials to get? How hard was the recipe to get?"

                Idk Etta you tell me.. -,-

                well you cant really give a price from a buyers point of view because if your better half builds for ya i doubt he would charge ya

                when was a ship built for ya from scratch by some1 other
                than your better half a friend or comp member that you were charged for

                @etta that's unbelievably the stupidest analogy I've read in my entire life. It would be as dumb as telling you that you cant your on your goods because you made it. Do you know how markets work? Do you know why at 4 months ago, QMPs sell for 150k and now they're double that? Do you understand any of these things that affects the game?

                thers not a lot of people here who puts ther names on latly except for MB// etta lo holfina and d others it wud only be fair to put ur ign on or else ur probably d same person pretending to be 3 other people

                Mei Hua
                when you adjust the cargo to max of effective range or max with penalty the price of the build goes up. its going to cost about 13 million as the build cost alone

                then you need 5 parts and i'll go on the low side of prices for ship parts
                you need a large latin or large square sail : 2-3 more million
                you need a Modified Heavy Gun Port : 2-3 more million
                you need a Large 3 decked hull : 4-5 million

                then any ship builder worth a damn is not going to waste the 2 slots left so will add a ship skill. most likely for this ship a workshop

                you need a Workshop : 3-4 million
                you need a Warehouse : 3-4 million

                so you are reasonably looking at a cost to build of 27-32 depending on the price of the parts

                then you have to sail to Manilla a back

                so please tell me again how this ship is only worth 30 million or so

                i really wish this site would make people register because its flooded with morons spreading misinformation and no doubt posing as more then 1 person

                you stated that your hubby took up SB to build ships for the 2 of you and that he never builds for any , except comp members etc. Many have stated the same

                did he invest 100's of millions developing Manila to get the recipe available?
                does he build his own parts or buy from bazaars?
                has he built one of these and sold to you or a comp member for 70m?

                ah i see well i make all my stuff using recipes from base materials up i dont buy my ingredients from other players bazaars so that cuts alot off my prices

                if you made the parts (which most people would think you do)then that would cut approx 16m off the build cost

                well even if you make your own parts those parts still have value and a worth.

                so you make them but now you are going to have to spend a hour sailing around collect mats, then you have to go and build the parts in three different cities. so now you have added another three or four hours total or so to the 2 and half it takes to sail to Manila build the ship and sail back.

                now unless you have shared storage or break the games rules and use an alt, inventory and ship slots is going to be a problem so you probably can only make two

                you are going to spend about 6 to 7 hours doing it this way to make 2 ships. go ahead do all that work spend all that time and sell it for 30 million

                oh so basicly the 70m price tag is to compensate you for buying parts from other players

                so as an alchemist i should be lazy n buy my alchemy ointments from other players -never seen players sell this.
                buy my black prince armor from a player -seen 2 in bazaars last 18months.
                Medusa's curse never seen this on sale anywhere either

                but im pretty sure if i bought all these ingredients from players then id be spending in region of 12-15m so i could charge 20m+ easily

                but i make all my ingredients and sell the armor at 12-16m cause i aint lazy

                ^^^ well i did but now on i shall double my prices because you lovely people have shown me the light

                Well i see alot of yelling and screaming, but i assure you i AM a r19 Sber, and Laurena IS my IGN

                Message me all you want, i for one think 50-70 million is a fair price, and if i sell any thats what ill charge

                Cao Wei
                etta, what's ur in game name? ur a little too ignorant to even have an opinion on a job that you obviously dont even know how to do.

                notice how Etta appear with so many different faces! Cao Wei whats your IGN-MINE IS Etta

                Mei Hua
                and what do you know about free style ship building? "etta"

                Mei Hua
                and what do you know about free style ship building? "etta"

                parts have valueyes , you have opened my eyes ,
                so i make my different ingredients and once they are made, they have added value. then when i goto the next process i add more value then more on next process as there are many processes before i get to make alchemy ointments, so as such 1 black alch ointment is now worth 4mil need 7 to make ReForged BPa wow its truly worth 40m now hmm reforged silver plated armor for 200m anyone

                that's not the question.. the question was what do u know about free style ship building? and all the production skills have their own market that defines their price. so it's stupid of you to equate ship bulding = alchemy. are u sure ur playing the same game?

                Mei Hua = your IGN or is it Cao Wei?
                im only r12 SB as i stated on single line post above
                so not much my Fs experience encompasses only making free ships for noobs not r19/20, obviously, but i can make most of the parts myself
                now your going to say i should shut up until im r19/20 then ill have a right to comment but im a buyer like anybody else and i know the price of parts etc

                if i charged my time at seas sailing onto my gear nobody would buy it but you take that into account for your SB

                then you can feel free to finish leveling up you shipbuilding and spend the time to make the parts and this ship and sell it for 30 million

                i on the other hand if i make it will sell for 55-65 million

                natascha your ign?
                look at recipe for re issued silver plated armour now see where all the individual parts are made etc alchemy processes, adventure, search, etc for 1 armor recipe is more processes and more possible fails and more sailing than SB for 1 ship so alchemy is more costly per recipe.

                i was never comparing the 2 if you read my first post was
                'if i say an item i made was worth 40 mil would you pay 40m just because i said it was so or would you question it'

                so read back before i have to spend the next day explaining it to you

                now at last you see why i was questioning the price
                1st 70 m
                you say 55-65m
                laurena say 40 45m

                now, if we just shut up and dont question the SB.
                we only have the first price and we have no idea of value. now all have a better idea of the ships actual value because we have 3x prices

                do you see why i question now?

                no free style ship building experience and yet you think you know enough that ship builders can and should make parts themselves just so you can get it dirt cheap. im trying to gauge what you are and how you place in a convo about free style ship building that you dont know how to do. so where is all this ignorant opinions of yours coming from?

                and no im not that ship builder up there> im just an anonymous trolling commentor like you

                i can do fs sb and have for myself so i have enough experience i make all the parts for my ships ok

                Etta is my IGN im not anonymous like you

                oh then by your suggestions "etta"
                people who build this ship should be able to make their own parts so ignorant people like you get "what you pay for"

                so basically, ur not telling these people to grind sb
                you want them to grind

                handicrafts etc

                and parts take up space which only have 50.
                so the most they can make is 3 ships
                210 million a day? might as well do some dungeons and drop ship building. because its not worth it.

                dats a lot of in pocket expenses just to kiss your whining little ass.

                also i aint throwing insults around like you lot the more i talk to you here the less likely i am to buy from you all in game.

                im questioned the original price as stated by some one of 70m now after a day of trolling something i dont enjoy i finally have 3 very different quotes

                oh wait thats the wrong price.. it's not 210 million cos 70 million is too much for this ship right? it should be 30 million according to you, right?????

                theo give your ign please

                i have to make all the individual parts for my recipes because nobody sells them. should i pass on that sailing around cost on to the buyer like you suggest alchemy recipes items will skyrocket

                read back i never stated it should be any price i merely asked if 70 was fair i do not want to buy this ship

                ign? etta is not even real wat makes you think i want to sell from a self righteous jerk lyk u who underestimates peoples time work and effort in the game except for yourself? so hers my ign for u etta ..l.,

                your saying i should just accept the first price as quoted and trust im not being scammed so if r19 SB said its 500m then i should just shut up and accept

                Etta= in case you cant see it clearly- a capital 'E' then 3 lower case letter 'tta'

                im not currently online and im a real master alchemist

                3 x different quotes have been added since the initial quote and queery

                if you want proof i exist in game my company is in Alexandria theres only 6companies im a director of FromSEA2C

                go check

                I just read back through this page and I realized I am a total clueless asshole

                insults really how brave

                sticks and stones ....

                come join my company in Alexandria we have a gay ole time if you know what I mean :)

                Sorry. In all honesty I just talk like this for the sake of it. I dont care about the ship builders in the game. I want my money to stay in my bank so I want it free if I can get it.

                why not make it like this
                shipbuilder stop making and selling ships/service for public
                and alchemists stop selling alchemy item (reissued armor, fool hands, etc) for public too
                let's see who can survive, the one without ship or the other without alchemy-made item =))

                *ah dont care about me, i'm just pathetic anonymous troll who enjoy this show =))

                got my ships how i like them, none are that difficult to improve, and i guess by the time i need a bigger ship, i will have managed to grind SB to a high enough rank to build it.

                if not i will happily pay my friends to swap jobs and pay more than expected, as i have in the past.

                i would not buy this ship - its far too slow for my needs,
                but at least prices quoted so far range 40m-70m
                (not a flat rate of 70m as first stated)

                its a galleon its not meant to be fast. for a ship builder u dont know shit about ships.

                i merely stated why i wouldn't buy it personally Natascha
                it was not an observation of the ships merits to anybody else

                and initially all i asked was ,

                is 70m good value for money for this ship
                and i got trolled so many times
                but only three quoted a price

                Laurena (i think) quoted 40-45m

                yeah and we all know how ur so well on observations. logic does not go well on its own without common sense.

                no initally ur Q was are ship builders worth it? because at the end of it all u question the sbs credibility because theres a lot of things u obviously dont understand about the process. like buying ship parts is 'lazy'. and now u really want to deny that ur inquiries are always about the ship? stupid is what stupid does =))

                Etta, if thats really your name, do not presume to mis-quote me again. I said in my very first post, if you bothered to read it, that 70 mil was a bit high, but below 45 mil was an insult. So why do you turn that into "Laurena said 40-45 mil" That is NOT what i said.

                Personally, if its a friend or company member, i would do it at cost. If someone asked me for a ship, and they are nice to me and gather their own parts, I would charge 45 million. People like you will get the 70 million price, and the ones i sell in seville will be in between those, depending on the current market rates.

                By the way, does anyone know the current development of manila? I always welcome the chance to debate my opinion in game, so message me if anyone wants to chat

                sorry Laurena for mis-quoting you

                Its ok Etta. I try and base my prices on how much work i personally have to do. If a player just wants an improvement, has the parts, and asks, its free.

                After my first post I was insulted by another player because i do not pay 10 dollars a month for shared storage, and accused of price gouging when i just hit r19 a couple days ago. I was attacked when i just stated an opinion. If someone dis-agrees with me, then its ok, but anyone that scrolls up and reads those posts that are listed after mine will see that i was called everything under the sun, from a liar, a cheat, and a pirate.

                Ive seen hard map finds listed at 50 - 70 million, alchemy boots and swords for 40 million, and plunder items START at 50 million and get much much much higher. But the players that are getting them have the skill and rank to get them, so i feel they deserve those prices. After all, i can earn that money in less than a day, and i get a really neat item. They invested their time into raising those skills, so they get a return on that based on the current market, and the level of the skill that was needed.

                So i looked at the manila galleon and saw the skill needed and the distance you would need to travel ( i do not assume someone has shared storage when i judge the price on the alchemy items, map finds, or plunder items they are selling me, so its wrong to base the price of ships doing the same). I then used how fast i make money in game as a refrence, and listed what i think is a fair price.

                If someone does not agree then its perfectly understandable, and they should be free to say so. But i was insulted and attacked for voicing my own opinion, which is just as free as anyones.

                Etta, i was a bit upset when i was mis-quoted because of those repeated attacks, but thanks for the apology and no hard feelings on my side

                Can u guys stop comment on "Manila Galleon" for 1 day ?
                Actually i am sick of reading those comment , almost all of it is manila galleon :(

                u can choose not 2 read u know

                for those who are saying SBer are greety, lazy etc... they can choose not to buy our service too.
                It is a free market. You ask for a service, if you can bargin, take it or leave it. Those trolling around saying ppl are charging too much in the public, can make 16 ships a day and make tons of money, can make ship parts for you and sell for low price with the ship, and then say that we are greedy/lazy. I tell you, you are living in your own ideal world. You dont know nothing about SB, no nothing about demand and supply, know nothing about our work, and dont know how to respect the others and their job.
                As a R20 SBer, I can confirm that Laurena's is right. It is not that easy to make very much money in a normal SB per day. 40m 50m is a max. Unless you sell your real money for improvement but it is just another annoying fact that ppl will complain about your price of tickets are too high, the improvements/success rates were bad, blah blah blah. Thats why I really hate to sell tickets too. You have to spend lots of time explain how SB works, spend hrs for their ships and even spend your NC to please the ppl. But then there are always someone what complaining about this and that.
                Most of the ppl who grind sb in game are not many for money. Mostly want to be helpful, but there are ppl dont know nothing about SB can just trolling out and said we are asking too much for the service. Lets put it in this way. Taking 3 months+ of grinding SB, wasting 200- 300m, sitting at the port for watching the clock count down, rising the sb, watching your money getting sunk, is that fun? Then need to work for week(s) for sitting outside the dock to earn the money back. That is fun? While we are grinding SB in the hell, you are sailing around with friends for adventure, for spices, gems, battles, dungeons.
                If we SBer are really greedy for money. We spend these 3+ months in spices/gems runs, dungeons etc. Which would be earning lots of bils already. And then are we suppose to spend another 2 or 3 months to rise casting, handi, sewing, etc to make the ship parts and provide them at cost huh?
                If you think SBer are asking too much. You should just go and spend your 3 months in grinding SB and make your own ships. Or good luck finding a friend to make you a cheap 1.

                'did he invest 100's of millions developing Manila to get the recipe available?'
                do you know how development investments even work? you have too much opinion but you know so little about the game.
                even if manila is deved to make the manila galleon available, who do u think has access to this recipe, a non essential alchemist or the ship builders?
                and yeah i said non essential and i meant it. if alchemist stopped their craft there wouldn`t be as much panic as when ship builders stop their craft. and that`s why the can charge for more work than you can, they`re in demand and their parts really take hard work, time and efforts. the grinds of other production skills are miniscule compared to the grind of ship building. i suggest you stop talking period.

                aaaaaa too much letters! too much letters! my eyes! brain...can't.... digest

                do you think its only SB's who have invested in Manilla

                ShitaiA wins flawless victory.

                oh yea. lets conquer ths page with manila galleon. pinoy love it

                do you think its only SB's who have invested in Manilla

                point it out to me where it's said that only ship builders invested in manila

                I took up shipbuilding initially because it was so frustrating as a player trying to find a lot of ships I wanted as I progressed through the game. I thought I could help myself and others in the process.
                It is an incredibly UN-enjoyable experience over a few months of never really getting to enjoy my time on the game as you level up. It is also a great expense as you lose a lot of ducats to do so.
                As a ship builder you don't make a lot of money nor did I go into expecting to, I just want to provide an essential service for fellow players and myself to improve the experience on the game.
                Offering your services on the game you are greeted with a lot of very rude people who don't understand how ship building works and that you can't just instantly pass them a ship. Sadly these people far outweigh the appreciative ones.
                You find a lot of people who actually expect you to buy the nc permits and also do the upgrades for them. But I've continued on building ships for people, fleeting for upgrades and refits all while making a small fraction of what I could in other aspects of the game.
                I did this because I remember my initial frustration of not being able to get ships I wanted and I wanted to help people with the most crucial item in the game so that they can enjoy the game more.
                This page here though is my last straw. The amount of disrespect in here is enough. This is one more rank 19 shipbuilder that will no longer be offering his services to the public

                well done etta! go "alchemize" us a ship u piece of shit

                she asked if it was good value
                have you ever tried getting hold of a r19/20 SB in game to get a quote for a ship its easier to ask here as you get a reply

                i am Etta
                after many many long one way conversations with my SB friends(now ex-friends) i concede that i obviously do not know jack about the SB trade and how it works and how it is managed.

                i appologize to all SB's for my rants and for any insults that i made, i was wrong and my rants were that of a spoilt child at best.i will not speak out out of place again.
                this is my first and last post,
                since my appology to Laurena for the mis-quote.

                wow, ya'll still carrying on? One word: letitgo!

                Ming Mei
                I sell this ship for 3 billion , pm me ign : ming mei

                Investment at 41,616. SEA is going to be safe soon so people can come and safely invest.

                42,039 after I invested another 100 million. Approximately 400 dev per 100 million. This is expensive. Here goes another 100m.....

                2.5b to go...

                I can do another 300 million (in 100 m increments) and then I'm broke. But that'll give me an investment court rank so I'm cool with that.

                in RL its common and fair for retail prices to be as much as 2-4 times the cost to make, for instance my work today payed me 1/5th what was charged the customer... this was labor only. Fair or not in this game people are going to place ducat value on their time as well. I would like to thank all the fair minded SBs for their time and services that they bring to the UWO community.

                here have some fries with that whine. 70 million is not a lot. especially for a ship that has such a capacity. ppeople complaining are probably just noobs who has 20 mill in their banks and have no idea how to make money in the game fast. that shouldnt be our fault or problem right? and idk if anyone noticed that this is a sailing game and that ships will always be in need compared to alchemist items, and its also the hardest skill to rank up in the game (shipbuilding). so yeah. people who say that its unecessary to put a price on the time sb spent on building up their ranks are just people who knows, or should know, other people wouldnt want to pay money on their ranks.

                so i just checked the cost to build TLG
                it's 3.36mil without adjusting the cargo, and 4mil after adjusting to max cargo
                and those ships sells well for
                R19 = 9-10mil (935 cargo with penalties)
                R20 = 15mil (942 cargo with penalties)
                and remember, TLG can be build using normal SB, means you don't need to build/buy parts, just come to capital and build it directly from shipyard

                while this ship, need less sailor, has more cargo (963 normal, 999 with penalties) and can have 1 skill without ship permit (via first build through FS) but need parts to make, which all cost around 27-32mil (you dont want to build those part yourself, because it will take more than half day sailing through 3 different cities in carrib, SEA, and india gathering mats and later build the parts which need high rank of casting/handi/sewing too)

                so what's the matter if SB sell it for 70mil while the cost to build is around 27-32mil for 5 different parts PLUS sailing to manila, afk build, and back to sell it for you?
                this ship is far more superior than TLG but a lot harder to make
                while you don't mind buying TLG for 10-15mil (even if the build cost is only 4mil) i thought it's a bit hypocrite if you don't want to pay 70mil to appreciate the SB's hardwork

                42,823 now

                70 mil is a fair price. but if your only building 1 to order,
                wouldnt you sail back to EU during the 27min build time and go afk

                and not** go afk

                43,000 development. No one has been investing. It's safe waters... let's go!

                I'm bankrupt after reaching level 58 trade by buying spice in Marseille.

                lol jazz you should'a gone to SEA i here its real cheap there and safe waters too..

                it available now?

                i am lazy but please check the dev for us! thanks :D

                I have no money for investing so I don't bother to go to Manila these days.

                pinoy ship?

                its a Galleon (Pinoy Version).

                Who can tell that Galleon can be built on the Gamma server? Develop the city as necessary for the construction of merchant ships, and lope should create one investment?

                Who can tell that Galleon can be built on the Gamma server? Develop the city as necessary for the construction of merchant ships, and lope should create one investment?

                Philippines Company required to invest in Manila our home.

                sir yes sir :3

                GMs clarified it alexsander and we have the jap wiki to research on

                Now available. Go get it.

                this is about to become the flag ship of the french fleets, may as well just rename it

                other nation also have alt.. dutch,england,spain,venetian,portugal,french they all have someone who use alt to use trading... dont just blame french have alt just because they got alot of city and great in investing right now

                Hey Igor, can you please tell us what we did wrong>?
                Is it wrong to invest in ports?
                Is it wrong to play the game to our fullest?
                People are just messed up nowadays, if you hate us then, whatever, not like we care at all, but what we do care, is you people talking nonsense of your opinions.
                You're just making a fool of yourself :)


                Tnx, although you left "Tell me again" oh well~
                Let's go back to the main topic
                WHOORAY! wait i can't sail it wahaha x)

                we sure needed more drama here.

                btw, thanks everyone who invested ;)

                is it true that it is available now?

                It is now available, i just made my first 2 Manila Galleons. At r19 after refit there is 990 cargo base if you reduce crew and guns to a minimum.

                If you choose a workshop, it adds 6-14 more cargo because of the parts involved, which means it now has 996 cargo on a critical fail, 1000 cargo exactly on a regular success, and 1004 on a critical success

                Sorry i forgot to add, those values are based on having absolute max total volume, which adds -20 to both sails and -4 WR

                Hi Laurena. This ship can go 6/6 improvement? And can you tell me how much is the total building cost of this ship?

                The actual cost for me, after buying the parts i needed and including those in the total cost, was 22 million. I assume if you make your own parts you can save a little money, but you would need to sail all over and get the parts, and if you want to add a warehouse its kind of annoying.

                I am not sure what the improvement cap currently is at, i know the LMS is capped at 3/5, the BTC is 2/4. Is this capped? or can it go all the way? i really do not know, ill test it soon and let you know what i discover, unless someone beats me to it.

                The cap is 4/5. You can get up to 999+44 cargo max.

                My last post was incorrect. The Manila Galleon can do to at least 5/5 (maybe more) and the max cargo is 999+41 = 1040.

                Wow. Thanks Laurena and Montador for the answers.

                There is no cap mine is 6/6

                yeah confirmed is 6/6 now :)

                confirmed 6/6, but why it needs r22 SB to improve it?

                Remember we can upgrade ships with a 5 rank offset.. so even if is r25 required, the ship can be improved with a r20 SB.

                Meng Meng
                almost perfect...just needed galley as optional :/

                [Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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                at r20, will this ship go to 1k+ cargo without -20 to sails and -4 to wave?

                this ship is not meant to be your flagship. i seriously dont know why some pople try to make it sail instead of just letting it follow some faster ship.

                just put penal on it and max cargo it, forget sails...

                While I understand what you are trying to say, it doesn't answer the question as posted.

                Range 1075 - 50 - 26 = 999 (with penalty)
                Effective Range 1039 - 50 - 26 = 963(without penalty)
                those above are for r20 sb

                so no..

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                - It\'s a common story all over Europe. Your Breton imegas, especially the lighthouses have been excellent. I think that this picture would have improved if the untidy foreground had been cropped out but it\'s all a matter of taste!

                [Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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                What would be the price of such modded Manila Galleon with full cargo?

                I want to buy one for myself too, but without modifications, just with maximum cargo. Just wondering what the price will be :)

                you need somewhere 2 mil invested to make this ship

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                price check on this ship?

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                Where is this ship built?


                it's Manila not Ushuaia ¬¬

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                how mush cost this ship ?

                This ship has been superseded by the Clermont as a drag ship for aides/alts but is still potentially useful as a production ship. They are a pain to build because they are only available in Manila. But they could be built for about 10 million if the SB is your friend

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