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  • Big Trading Schooner 160
    A large but fast sailing ship with a fore-and-aft rig.
    for long distance trade.

    Build Original Ship
  • Base Performance
    Ship Hold info
    Sailing Requirements

    Studding Sail: 4, Broadside: 2
    Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 0
    Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 1

    Optional Skill



            Range 480 ~ 800
            Effective Range 512 ~ 773
            Volume 640 (Big Trading Schooner Cabin 36 + Cannon Chambers 16 + Hold 588)

            Cabin: (50% or Sailors required 120%) ~ 150%
            Cannon Chambers: 50% ~ 150%
            Hold: Volume - Cabin - Cannon Chambers = Hold
            Big Trading Schooner Cabin: 24 ~ 54 Cannon Chambers: 8 ~ 24

            Range 800 - 24 - 8 = 768
            Effective Range 773 - 24 - 8 = 741

            Fast with useful skill ship

            can this go more than 2/4 ?

            yes i have BTS w/ 2/4

            Where to buy this?

            if i do not have R7 management will i still have more success with the workshop ?

            nope since the skill isnt in effect if you dont have the reqs

            I'm looking to have this ship built with original ship permit and trying to figure out what options I'm going to go with.

            This will be a really dumb question I'm sure but..

            Can I have 12 General Large Anti-rolling Tanks and 6 Large Latin Sails?

            Or would it be I could only have say 2 General Large Anti-rolling Tank and 4 Large Latin Sails, assuming its a 0/6 improvements ship?

            lol Beatrice the greatnoob

            Better to learn about shipbuilding before

            Port Official
            > Can I have 12 General Large Anti-rolling Tanks and 6 Large Latin Sails?
            on 0/6 ship, if you want to improve it to 6/6 so the answer is YES
            you'll need to improve it to 1/6 first (2 anti-rolling + 1 large latin) and doing the same way 6 times till it's 6/6 improved

            just keep in mind that
            - each ship has its own limit for improvement, on BTS the limit for wave resistant improvement is 17, even if you add +30 WR, you'll only get +17 WR on it
            - notice that different FS part belong to its own slot, example you can't add large latin sail to slot #A, #B, or #D, because it belongs to #C slot (sail slot)
            - General Large Anti-rolling Tanks isn't available to build/buy yet
            - I haven't see any BTS improved till 6/6, as far as i can see the BTS which ppl sell on bazaar is only 1/4 or 2/4 improved
            - to improve the ship using this way, you need certain amount of "Special Shipbuilding Improvement Permit" it's NC item, 1k NC for 5 sheet of it
            - "Original Ship Permit" is to ad "Original Ship Skill" which can be added to all kind of ship, and this original ship skill is different with optional ship skill
            - "Optional Ship Skill" is skill that belong only to some ship, and can't be added to any other ship which don't have that list of skill

            hope it helps -_-

            hmmm forgive me for askin but general large anti-roll tank? are they even available yet?

            you would be better off with Trading Large Galleon improved 7/7 which i know can be done

            Cao Wei
            or if your after speed get a 5/5 teak sambuk with EA

            Port Official: Thanks for the reply mate! Awesome.

            But of course I'll still have more dumb questions until I actually level up my SB skill to a level I can build everything myself :D

            hope yoy got few hundred mil spare cash because your gonna throw it away getting to that lvl

            Few hundred, really? I would have thought more in the tens of millions?

            from r10 onwards you lose about 20mil + increasing per level

            check uncharted waters wikia-beginning shipbuilding-this has cost per level info

            im not trying to disuade you - we need more high lvl sb online n thats a fact, but its costly - so plan ahead

            Ohh you mean if I rank up SB myself right now. Yea, that'll take some time and money for sure. But I have an r18+1 SB friend who I will be using for this build. I'm just trying to plan for it all to know what's possible. I don't want to drop tens of millions more than I have to on trial and error ship skill options to find out how to get it set up how I want it. :)

            I am selling mine, it is r19 sb with workshop... try to pm me

            can I toss EA on this bad boy?

            thats a big negative there, Captain Dongwoo

            any1 a R19 or R20 able build this for me? that isnt over the topped priced -_-

            where can you build it?

            Lu Yue
            If you want one you can buy from me just 40 mil IGN:GabrielMihoreanu

            I don't see where's the rip off the actual price of BTS with workshop is 35-40 mil or you're interested to rip them off because you are shipbuilder then you would care so much if the shipbuilder makes a profit or not

            You can't get a r20 sb to even fleet with you for less than 8 figures if they don't know you. cost of the build is almost 10 million, parts will be another 12 million and they have to leave Seville and come back with it. It's not worth their time to sell it for less than 30 million and that's bargain basement. 40 million isn't rip-off pricing.

            r10-r16+++ = 180mil loss approx
            r7-r16+++ = 222mil loss approx

            Meng Meng
            10m for basic ship +2m each - sail, workshop, gun port = 16m
            12min to build = smoke/coffee break
            when i get that SB rank i sell this 25m tops

            r7-r16 sb 222m loss = 650 ESBT @350k
            50 a day easily at Syracuse (run in kill mobs run out)
            13 days @ Syracuse sell ESBT = all the cash you need

            to rank SB r7-r16

            knock yourself out... i'm sure people will be falling all over each other to get all the way to havana to buy it too.

            then get an r19 or r20 to max out cargo space so it's um.. actually worth something. Oh lookit that, back up to 40 mil.

            oh and wth would you not put a large mast on it too to get more sails? or put some turn on it? or wave resistance? wastefull build to leave a slot unused....

            but that increases the cost doesn't it?

            wow all the way to Havana
            hmm 12mins build time that's 2/3 of my travel time
            Havana to Seville

            oh im sorry , YOU mean the large mast or other part for the free slot, that you put on, is obviously the extra 15-20mil part that bumps up the price for your ship...??

            i do use shared storage also, so i can just build 5
            then transfer to alt in Seville

            do you charge for this service too ??

            Port Official
            1.) not my ship, hell i'm not even SB.

            2.) I've never been overly impressed with these ships even when they first came out.

            3.) despite 1 and 2, i still appreciate the work SB's put in and 40 million is NOT overpriced for the work and parts that have to go into making one of these. An r19/20 build is worth that much money.

            Sell them for whatever you want to sell them for, but if you honestly expect the playerbase to appreciate you selling them for half price you're in for a rude awakening when they will STILL feel like you're overcharging.

            but i know i wont be overcharging
            and thats really the thing i guess
            see i cant justify a higher price just because of build/sailing time
            the build/sailing times for other production skills aint charged

            or maybe thats where the balance would be

            oh you mentioned parts - there another contradictory subject -

            as i have been trolled by many SB who stated clearly that they never make the parts but buy them in Seville ...

            id save money, therefor add profit, by making the parts
            (i could understand if SB made the parts but apparently
            SB shouldnt have to grind Casting Handicrafts etc)

            Wow okay whatever. The price of every single item that can be made in this game is driven by how long it takes to make it/how much the parts cost.

            8-9 mil is entirely too much for a +5 skill shelf in your world too huh?

            It must be totally unreasonable that traverse and painter ropes cost almost twice as much as sail parts too eh?

            And mast tops, you must go insane every time you see how much people charge for those things!

            You don't value the time it takes to run around and make all the parts that's on you. You aren't going to get many people to get behind you on this one. My time is worth something or else I'm not going to bother.

            lol once again the pathetic alchemist Etta causing a stir about shipbuilders. so pathetic

            why does everyone hate on shipbuilders when they make the least of any profession??? I have completely given up on SB for a means of making money, it is only a hobby at this point. You all are too cheap to pay what it is really worth, so go rank shipbuilding and build your own ships. In bazaar players always pm asking for a better price on the ship than what is posted bc they know it "only costs this much to build according to ivyro" even though it clearly takes many mil in ship parts plus the time involved to sail to where the ship is made and let's not forget the many hours spent grinding shipbuilding. Honestly a BTS is worth 50,60, or even 70 mil for the amount of work it requires. So basically, let the shipbuilders set their price and if you don't like it try grinding the skill for yourself for a month...

            Port Official
            a month? that'll need 16-20 hours playing everyday for full 30 days
            more likely 2-3 months with minimum 8 hours a day playing, build ship, go outside, back to shipyard, build ship, repeat for 8 f***ing hours everyday for 2 months

            that's the poin where most ppl don't get it and being annoying all the time the use SB's service
            "but the cost is only blahblah" "that's overpriced dude blahblah" "but that's just sail to blahblah" "the parts isn't that expensive blahblah"

            Ship Market Keeper
            Prices of ships are plummeting .... pity.

            but every production process involves sailing to get the different ingredients or to where recipe is available ,

            a long time ago (before the dungeons opened) i used to make mct in Ceylon- nobody was willing to pay over the odds just for my sailing time or contending with pirates (another reason ive had from SB for extra costs)

            re: Meng Meng
            10m for basic ship +2m each - sail, workshop, gun port = 16m
            12min to build = smoke/coffee break
            when i get that SB rank i sell this 25m tops
            yea.. please get yourself go quick, max your sb rank and sell them for the lovely 25m. You don't know nothing about economics, demand and supply. Not even the basic of SB.
            base price of SB is about 10m, adding cargo makes it to more or less 11.5-12m. Then when you build a ship.. you should have use 5 ship parts:
            1 ship hull (~4m), 1 gunport (~1m), 1 sail (~2m), 1 workshop (2~3m), and a large mast (~2m).
            That makes the ship to ~25m cost to build already... And then you need 40-50 minutes to sail between EU and caribbean.
            sell price of 30mil = 5 mil prof for 40-50 minutes???? Do you know the demand/supply? how many of this ship you can sell a day?
            lets not talk able the alchemy. it is am exception in game. The market, demand and supply for alchemy are entilely different from other job.
            Lets talk about the common econ envioment. How much you can get from a EU dungeon for 50 minutes? how much you can get from a spice/gems run? how much cost/price for those 21/24/-1, 22/25/-1 sails. gloves,helemts,cannons?
            Why would SBer have to make less the common economics?

            SBer has put months to the grind with no life in game. Lossing about 250-300m for r1-max, and something like (2.5 months X 8 hrs per day). If you put this in to spice/dungeons runs..... you could get 5b+++ ducats.. So the lose of grinding would weight as losing 5b for max rank. It is so f$%^$^%ing rude to say selling a ship for 5m, 10m profit is a rip off. Since you can never sell the ships as quick as you go and sell spices/dungeon loots.

            GOOD LUCK finding a SB.

            its "Supply and Demand" Not Demand and Supply idiot

            BTW, if you enjoy making ship parts for a little more profit.. good for you too. Enjoy spending another few months to grind the skills to r12~15 so you can make your own ship parts, enjoy sailing over the world for hrs to get the mats, then switch to different jobs in order to use your r12~ 15 handi/storage/sewing/casting to make this ship parts, to fill your inventories. The sail back to EU to switch your job back to SB and sail around to build a lovely ship for your lovely 25m!

            my time is worth something too, or are you saying your time is worth something because your a SB, but mine isnt because im not.

            ive maxed my production skills , i sail around alot , i have to change jobs from Tailor/Blacksmith/Artisan/Artificer and even though people state im the cheapest theyv'e seen, they still try and barter a better deal-thats the nature of the game...

            re: Kicker
            its "Supply and Demand" Not Demand and Supply idiot
            so what? stop being rude. I am not a native english speaker. Go mind your own business


            i dnt have to stop being rude cause i find great enjoyment seeing people get pissed off cause its hilarious how easy can get pissed off =)

            Look if you want to sell your boats for next to no profit go ahead! But you seem really angry at the rest of the game for selling them at "rip off" prices. Hey maybe you can single handedly revolutionize pricing in the game! Or maybe you'll burn yourself out making almost zero money for all your time and I'll repeat, the game will NOT appreciate you wearing yourself out to sell them a boat for half price. They'll still want you to knock 5-10 mil off of your price cause it's just "unfair" that they should have to pay twice what ivyro says it costs to make the boat.

            Your time is worth something, nobody has said it isn't. You're the one trying to cut the market so I don't understand what the hell you're even talking about anymore.

            @ ShitaiA
            " Do you know the demand/supply? how many of this ship you can sell a day?"

            so your telling me the number you can sell per day effects the price you sell the ship for

            example: if only one sale =40-50m
            but if more sales per day = the price comes down?

            You can think about it that way. But it wasn't my original idea. If I can get more the 1 ship order sailing to the same place. It saves my time for the sailing, so I don't mind to offer a discount.
            My original mind/idea is how much money you can make from the SBing over a certain time, and compare it with other money making activity (spice/dungeons). It is how much money you can earn from this job.
            If you are a full time SBer, you will possibly getting like 1~2 ship orders per day (sometimes even 0), or maybe some money for fleeting. But you have to stand by/waiting for orders. Or You can make some TLG or others to put at bazaar (but they fill your ship slots).
            Sor for this kind of pure sb work, ideally you can get about 20-40m per night (6 hrs). So you see what I mean? you can do dungeons/spice runs for this amount of time and make more money/exp then SB. You could do some dungeons to get abit more money while waiting for orders, but then you might need to keep switching between jobs as well.
            SBer doesnt make that much money that ppl imagine with, and they have had made a big loss in time/money from maxing it already. 5-10mil profit per ship is not a lot of profit. That why you are seeing less and less SBer around (except those SB alt toons), or some works for company/friends only. Cos it is not fun/that great profit for time vs fun vs sb money vs dungeons/spice etc.

            more then 1 ship order*

            Okay, lets put this whole "just make the parts" thing to rest shall we? Lets take just the basic parts for building this ship and add in a warehouse and a large mast to make it more attractive. You would have: Large flush hull deck, large latin sail, modified heavy gun port, warehouse, and large mast just for funsies.
            Hey look at that, everything but the warehouse is made at the same place! Two stops and we're done right? Well lets look at this a little closer. First off, you're going to need r13 handicraft, r13 casting, r13 sewing, and r16 shipbuilding to pull this off. But lets just go ahead and say you are in the artificer job right now so we dont' have to worry about job changes until it's time to build.
            Lets start in Seville, looks like a good place to start doesn't it? Do you have 550-600 logs at your private farm? Good, take that out and start processing, you're going to need 210 lumber to get this done. Don't have it? No worries, more on that later, for now, head to the pedlar and grab 10 carpentry tools if you don't already have those, you're going to need them for the warehouse. Now it's off to Ceuta! A quick jaunt to the market keeper to nab up 20 jute and you are ready for your next stop.
            Did you have the logs? No? Okay no worries, go to Bahia and get the rest of the lumber you need to get to 210. Can't get that much? it's PO2 or port-hopping time! Next stop: Pernambuco. you need to make EXACTLY 5 processed lumber, don't overdo it or you'll need to buy more lumber! Done? Great! time to go to Hamburg!
            Do you have 90-100 iron ore in the bank? No? Then you might want to stop in Amsterdam to pick up as much iron as you can on your way to Hamburg. Once there, make your warehouse and buy all the iron ore you can and head back to Amsterdam. Once in Amsterdam you need to pick up 30 hemp fabric and either pull the iron ore out of your private farm or buy iron from the market and PO2 or port hop until you get 100 iron loaded up.
            From Amsterdam it's a short hop to Plymouth to make iron works, you only need 2 so again, don't overdo it or you'll be circling back to get more iron. Now it's time to go to Williamstad or Caracas, whichever you choose to get 40 Sisal. Hang in there we're almost done, sorta.
            Now it's off to Veracruz to make 2 improved rope and then back to your nationalities' port in E. Latin America. Now we can get down to business. Finally we can make the Large Latin Sail (r13 sewing), Modified Heavy Gun Port (r13 casting), Large Mast (r12 handicraft), and of course don't forget the Large Flush Deck Hull (r13 shipbuilding). What's that? You aren't in the artificer job? Well you're just going to have to build what you can, and then go back to Seville or Lisbon to change jobs until you can.
            What's that? You can't make the Large Flush style Deck Hull even with the artificer job? That's okay because you can't build the boat until you get into your shipwright job anyway. So spend the next hour running back and forth to get all this stuff made and we'll regroup when you're done.
            All done? GREAT now we can head to Havanna and make the boat! That won't take more than 15 or so minutes to get there. See how easy that was? At worst you need 230 cargo space and 9 open inventory slots PER BOAT THAT YOU WANT TO BUILD. Want to build three and make it worth your time? that's 690 cargo space and 27 inventory slots tied up. Five? They don't make boats that big. That's 10 different towns and hours of sailing, a bare minimum of one job change, and two more minimum if you want to do it again.
            Personally, I would prefer to put wave resistance on the boat rather than a simple large mast, but that's a whole other post.

            yes... you also need to be a Dutch or Venetian in order to buy sisals or have them from farm. Otherwise you need to buy improved ropes from players/company to.
            Then lets talk about the job change/cards. It will take you lots of qmps for popping up a job quest, 2 jobs gonna possible take you over 20-30 qmps. How much would the cost you? Also SB job take you 40 minutes-1 hr to complete, or you going to pay 1.3m to switch without card. Artificer job is even more sweet, I believe it needs something around 12m without a job card.
            Also how long it takes to grind the casting/sewing/handi/storage/cooking to r12+. After taking months for maxing SB?
            I told you I have handi, storage, cooking, casting both at r15.. but it is a crazy to spend hrs make ship parts.. THEN sell a ship at almost 0 profit.
            I would/could make them for my own ship if I have time., but not to get you a ship for 25m then you can go to bazaar it and sell it for 30-40m. A few seconds later.
            I also have spice trading r13, gems trading r11, SP/SM maxed. I can sail around with friends/company members, do the runs and make more money and have more fun for myself.. Other then doing this kind of work to sell them for 5/10m "rip off" price and then still not making you happy.

            How much is this worth on bazzars?

            saw most of those r19/20 cargo size for about 35m 40m... some lower rank/2nd hands at 30m at less
            if you are lucky, you could be 2/4, 3/4 improved (2nd hands) for 50m.. saw a couple of them at this price around too
            mostly in seville

            could *find* 2/4, 3/4 ...

            could *find* 2/4, 3/4 ...

            ima stop posting answers / question on this site
            so many angry/ungrateful people, just not worth the hassle...

            I'm r18 SBer and sell these for 40M PM me in game if you are wanting one

            @Sakura...No, your time is NOT worth anything, you're playing a game not working. If you want your time to be valuable then you need to be doing something other than playing a game. Even if your time WERE worth something in game, what would it be? The way you're talking it would be about 20m/hr? Well my friend I hate to burst your bubble that's only about $2.00 if you want to put value on your in game time then it should be comparable to what you would get if you were working, no? Which means you would need to get at least 100m/hr profit in order to have true value. However, saying that your game playing time has any value whatsoever other than the enjoyment of the game itself is just silly.

            @Sakura...No, your time is NOT worth anything, you're playing a game not working. If you want your time to be valuable then you need to be doing something other than playing a game. Even if your time WERE worth something in game, what would it be? The way you're talking it would be about 20m/hr? Well my friend I hate to burst your bubble that's only about $2.00 if you want to put value on your in game time then it should be comparable to what you would get if you were working, no? Which means you would need to get at least 100m/hr profit in order to have true value. However, saying that your game playing time has any value whatsoever other than the enjoyment of the game itself is just silly.

            lol what a troll, my time and the time of every SB worth a lot of money, if you don't want to pay the fee of that, then go lv up SB for yourself and stop bitching. nuf said.

            Power leveling R1-R15: 1.8B, 290 hrs
            Minimum Conditions: SW, Saw, Aide, total +3SB
            Concept: leveling SB through ship improvements (JP wiki)

            R1-R5, Light Clipper
            R6-R9, Turkish Galley
            R10-R15, Baltic Galley

            plus a fortune in nc permits

            It is absolutely amazing how much time and effort you spend into making such long comments that become so long to the point that no1 will read them lol!

            where can it be built?

            I haven't seen them for a long time, for some reason SB no longer make them... Probably because of dungeons you can now just jump to lvl 52 and get TC.

            This schooner can be built in Habana... as stated in this page. Anyways, good luck finding a SB willing to build one, and much less r20

            [Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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            what rank SB do i need?

            Look next to the hull where it says that the ship is built in havana - it takes r16.

            [Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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            What levels are required for a fully modded one? and what would be a good price for it?

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            what rank of shipbuilding do you need to build this if you have the deck?

            r16 to safely build it, r11 is lowest you can even attempt to make it. If you have all the sb boosters (+4 unless there's something I'm missing) the lowest rank you can possibly have and still be able to make this boat is r7.

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            Update: this ship only needs Rank 13 shipbuilding to build now

            And the Big transport schooner only needs Rank 12 Thank you OGP for making these ships easier to build.

            [Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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