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  • Rona
    부관 / 副官 / Aide
  • Gender



    NPC Rescue

What should I do... Sniffles

What!? Really!? Thank you!

1. Requesting for Supplies!!It seems that Rona's ship lacks supplies.
Rona's ship has resolved their lack of Supplies.

4. Shipwreck!!It seems that Rona's ship has become unable to sail.
Rona's ship has safely arrived at the port.

2. Requesting for Repairs!!It seems that Rona's ship is heavily damaged.
Just a moment ago, we were attacked by a large squid... I-I'm serious!!
Rona's ship has been repaired from the damage.

3. Load Collapse!!It seems that Rona's ship had a load collapse and the cargo was washed away.
You've found Rona's cargo which were washed away! Let's deliver it to Rona.
Ah! Those are mine!
Rona's cargo has been safely returned to the ship.

5. Under Pirate Attack!!It seems that Rona's ship has encountered pirates.
Obtain victory in Sea Battle while protecting ally NPC.
Alright! Let's go!
You have failed to protect ally NPC...
Ahh! My ship sank...!
Rona's ship has escaped from pirates.

Thanks! Using you as an example, I'll give it my all!


  • Recognition
  • Lookout 36  ( 15 / 1 / 1 )
  • Can be used to discover Sea Regions, Ruins, Astronomical Objects, and search for flotsam.
  • Search
  • Lookout 30  ( 10 / 0 / 3 )
  • With correct location and excavation, all treasures can be found.
  • Unlock
  • Lookout 70  ( 35 / 5 / 5 )
  • The locks and traps for finding discovery items can be released.
  • Archaeology
  • Store Keeper 40  ( 15 / 0 / 0 )
  • Appraisal of discovery items can be made on collection of historical reports.
  • Theology
  • Store Keeper 45  ( 18 / 0 / 0 )
  • Appraisal of discovery items can be made on collection of religious reports.
  • Appraisal
  • Store Keeper 50  ( 20 / 2 / 5 )
  • Appraisal of discovery items can be made on collection of treasure reports.
  • Crafts Trading
  • Paymaster 35  ( 8 / 18 / 1 )
  • More crafts can be bought at the market.
  • Swordplay
  • Lieutenant 45  ( 8 / 0 / 10 )
  • The attack power in melee battles
    and the attack power of close-range weapons in land battles
    is raised.
  • English
  •   ( 0 / 0 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used in the vicinity of Britain.
  • Dutch 6
  •   ( 6 / 6 / 6 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used near Northern Flanders.
  • Latin 12
  •   ( 10 / 5 / 5 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used by European scholars.
  • Greek 10
  • Lieutenant 65  ( 5 / 5 / 5 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used in the Balkan Peninsula.
  • Entertainment 1
  • Surgeon 40  ( 2 / 3 / 3 )
  • Take precautions against frustration.
  • North Sea Tow 2
  • Navigator 40  ( 16 / 6 / 6 )
  • Allows automatic Tow in the the North Sea to be performed more advantageously.
  • Tomahawk 3
  •   ( 10 / 2 / 4 )
  • Attack enemies with an axe.
    Effectiveness varies based on
    the amount of Lieutenant Traits the Aide has.
  • Containment 2
  •   ( 13 / 2 / 7 )
  • Prevent enemies' Tech attacks,
    etc. Effectiveness varies based
    on the amount of Lookout
    Traits the Aide has.
  • Disarm Trap
  •   ( 16 / 23 / 10 )
  • Evade Traps in Dungeon with a
    certain probability (not applicable during Battle).
    Effectiveness varies based on
    the amount of Lookout Traits the Aide has.

I'll need to study harder in navigation so that I don't cause people problems...!

Well, last one.

New Aides from Chapter 3, from Rescue NPCs that can be recruited. Once you saved her, you can hire her as an aide in London.

Aide Skill (Aide Levels) :
Entertainment Entertainment (2/3/3) Surgeon 40
North Sea Tow North Sea Tow (16/6/6) Navigator 40
England Correspondence England Correspondence (15/5/10) Lookout 40
English English (0/0/0) Already at beginning
Dutch Dutch (6/6/6)
Latin Latin (10/5/5)
Greek Greek (5/5/5) Lieutenant 65

Support Skill (Aide Levels) :
Recognition Recognition +1 (15/1/1) Lookout 36
Search Search +1 (10/0/3) Lookout 30
Unlock Unlock +1 (35/5/5) Lookout 70
Archaeology Archaeology +1 (15/0/0) Store Keeper 40
Theology Theology +1 (18/0/0) Store Keeper 45
Appraisal Appraisal +1 (20/2/5) Store Keeper 50
Crafts Trading Crafts trading +1 (8/18/1) Paymaster 35
Swordplay Swordplay +1 (8/0/10) Lieutenant 45

She is a copycat from old aide Davide the ol' bald guy people likes.
Some aide skills are swapped and all requirements are easier.

i Hired this aide under the name Rona in London

yeah looks like they haven't change the name yet after they removed the new aides

Gulf of Mexico, 12264,3791

This particular aide can be found anywhere in the world that Rescue NPCs spawn (including those coordinates). If you're in a hurry, my best advice is to try the Balearic Islands, Open Sea zone -- it is the smallest sea that NPCs can spawn in, and you can tell immediately if any are present. Just sail between the ocean zones east/west or west/east until a Rescue icon appears. Hope you get the aide you want soon! Cheers.

I found her in The Gulf of Thailand.

Just to be clear (since my earlier post probably wasn't): Rona is a 1st Generation Rescue NPC (appear worldwide). The 2nd Generation Rescue NPCs (Alejandro, etc.) are the group who appear in specific zones only.

Saw her NW of Tacoma at 10425, 2514.

There's an error about the greek language, she just need the 5/5/5 levels, but it isn't required the liutenant proficiency level

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