Syracuse Church
Upper Floors
Middle Floors
Cave-like Grave Site 9 Upper Floors
Symbols in the catacomb 42
Catacombs' Lithograph 3 Middle Floors
Glasswork 6
Leather Cord 3
Eye-beads 2
Marble Sculpture 3
Purchase Order (Category 2) 13
Gold 11



Goldwork 2
Coral Work 2
Crystal 11
Marble Sculpture 3
Silverwork 1
Catacombs' Short Sword 16
Gold Thread 5
Jewellery 1
Ivory Work 9
Burial Goods Amulet 1
Journal of Burial Goods 2
Velvet 39
Spare Rudder Wheel 6
Spare Sail 6
Treasure Buried in Catacombs(No.1)
Record of treasure buried in the
dungeon of Syracuse.
Prester John's Foot Armour
Prince Jem
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4000 Adventure fame requirement for the quest Symbols in the Catacomb.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]05-30-2013
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Wen zhi
NPC LV ???

upper: lvl 60-70
middle: lvl 80-90

Clearly lying, nothing in this dungeon is lower than level 100.

Wen zhi
the dungeon is nerfed, they changed it to 60-70 and 80-90

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]05-31-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]05-31-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]05-31-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]08-28-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]08-28-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]08-28-2013
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Ming Mei
For anyone who cares, the *real* levels of NPCs inside it are 10-17 (10/10 on floor 3, 12/12 on 4, 14/17 on 5).

Ming Mei
^ for middle floors obviously.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-11-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]05-19-2014
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OK i went back to get this quest ... had the same problem .. lots of qmp's no luck.
what worked was by having greek language on me (not as aide skill) and translation note or italian skill as well. one more qmp and the quest popped imediately.
So make sure you have both language skills o7 and have handed in discovery of syra upper
(A placeholder for my message)
As some of you know, while item plunder applies in PvP it does also applies for PvE. This means even in land battle there is a chance to lose your equipment parts... For Dungeon runners beware that when you disconnect and then login, screen becomes black till the battle ends (often resulting you're screwed unless you've a fleetmate). So when you feel unsure about your internet, don't do dungeons with it :X
I ran Giza several times and lost 2 or 3 times, but in none of those cases I lost anything other then battle fame, money, and sailors. I assumed the item plunder didn't apply to dungeons like before, but I guess it's beginners luck if Huseyin is correct. I should point out that I have R5 Storage as well, so I'm betting the rank of storage determines the odds of losing equipment, just like in a sea battle. If that's the case, it will be more crucial then ever to rank storage skill up.
(and while were on the subject of dungeons, I noticed a small increase in the number of trade goods obtained when opening chests. And when I used ESBT to access Giza, I didn't notice any loss in loot like before. It's possible that Papaya removed the loot nerf when using ESBT, but because the amount dropped is supposedly based on the distance from the dungeon [and Giza is in Europe], this should NOT be taken as a fact until I or someone else can open a dungeon further away from Europe...)
That is what I was thinking, Papaya removed all nerfs done to the game, which is fair if pirates get to plunder items.
I am looking at this too, because if it is true then it means many players rather stick in capitals to do dungeons through ESBT and the prices of that will go skyrocket. Piracy becomes pointless at the same time as everyone is prowling through the expedition ship without setting sail... :x
Hum... and if it's reenabled, PVE plunder benefits gameplay how, exactly?
Most dungeons, except for Bordeaux and Palenque, has at least one additional discovery on each section (upper, middle, and lower if it has one) in its hidden passages. For the most part, it's nothing special aside from a nice boost in Adventure EXP. I know the ones in Rome upper and Abu Simbel mid are needed to unlock Rome Mid and Abu Simbel lower respectively however.
NPC level:
1: 5, 7
2: 1, 7, 10
3: 1, 10, 10
4: 1, 1, 10, 12
5: 1, 1, 14, 17
there is a church at rome. i heard to get to the midde floors you need to go through the hidden passage way and win and you will get to the middle floors. i keep winning in the secret passage way but still dont have access to the middle floors. what am i missing?
what i can read on jap wiki, you will need a discovery from a hidden passage to be able to do middle rome church, it is someting like, Discovery of glassware (historic relics) hope it help
thanks, the hidden room has a bunch of lvl 72 to fight and i have beat them 8 times and havent gotten the glass ware relic yet and i am going to quit trying . doesnt seem to be worth it once i see what the chests in the mid levels have. i will go back to fort san domingo where there is great chests. but thanks for the info about rome church, it was greatly appreciated
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