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What the young boy saw
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
Regarding the boy painter you investigated previously, there's another request from the artist in the city. As usual, speak to the client for details. If you're taking it on, head over to the usual place.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Seville - Talk to Artist near the Archives x2
Antwerp - Talk to Resident outside Queen Maria Estate x2
Antwerp - Church
Observe and
Search front of the altar

The boy artist 


The boy who wanted to be an artist 


Currently here.

Equality in art
Sorry for always calling upon you. I had the report read. To lose someone as gifted from him in that way is truly tragic. Why did God test him so much... Well, other than having the report shown, I'd like you to investigate once more.

Why in the church?
It's written in the report that in his last moments he was heading to the Church in Antwerp. Why was he heading to the Church? Was there something that was leading him to the Church? Sorry for making so many requests of you but, I want you to look into why he was heading to the Church.

Painting of the Madonna
He admired the prodigal Painter from this town, Rubens. There was a number of Rubens' works that were hanging up in that Church. When he found the time, he would find his way to the church and just stare at the paintings. He was always saying that he wanted to become a Painter like Rubens in the future.

The most motherly side of the Madonna
The was a painting by Rubens of the Virgin Mary in that church. He always had a kind expression on his face when he looked at the painting, almost like he was meeting his mother. As someone who lost both of his parents when he was young, maybe the Virgin Mary was in some ways a mother to him.

Picture of angels
Antwerp. The reason that he went to the Church might have been to sleep by the side of the mother he lost as a child, whom he saw in the picture of the Virgin Mary. I'll finish my investigation by going to the Church where the picture of the Virgin Mary that he went to see so many times hangs.

Quest Reporting Award
170 Adventure Experience
124 Adventure Fame
1 Quest Mediation Permit
- Discovery
St. Mary of the Friars ★★★★★★ (Work of art) Exp:1070 Fame:410
One of Rubens altar pieces. It depicts the Virgin Mary ascending to Heaven at the end of her life. The figure ascending skyward and surrounded by angels could only be the Holy Mother.