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A rare medical text
No Expiration
Venice Adventurer's Guild
A request has come to find the transcript of a medical book left behind by the renowned Persian doctor Al-Razi. It will be needed for the next investigation. Check with the client, Paracelsus.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Venice Paracelsus Estate - Talk to Paracelsus
Athens Archives - Talk to Scholar x2
Istanbul - Talk to Palace Guard
Istanbul Mosque - Use
Observe and

Request from Paracelsus
I want you to search for al-Razi's writings, a strange little manuscript. He compiled work on medicine, but in this his own considerations are apparently written. He wrote many medical works, so it may be difficult to find that specifically, but please take care of this. You might be able to gather some information in Athens.

A multi-talented writer
Yes, as you say there is a manuscript with those contents. It is stored in the Mosque, so if you can decipher it then you should go look at it. Handle it with great care.
Where is it stored? It is stored in back right as you enter the Mosque.

Location of the copy
I might have an idea about a manuscript of what you're looking for.
I heard that in Istanbul there is an encyclopaedia comiled about medicine for the benefit of the country.
How about going to the Istanbul Palace and checking it out?

Medical dictionary
Yes, as you say there is a manuscript with those contents. It is stored in the Mosque, so if you can decipher it then you should go look at it. Handle it with great care.
Where is it stored? It is stored in back right as you enter the Mosque.

A rare medical text
The manuscript that Paracelsus is looking for is apparently stored in this Mosque.
From the entrance, it should be in the back right, so I will "Search" there.
Quest Mediation Permit
Encyclopedia of Medical Science
- Discovery
Encyclopedia of Medical Science ★★ (Treasure) Exp:360 Fame:180
An encyclopedia of medical knowledge written by Al Razi. In the Greek, Arabic, and Indian compilations, the authors' experiences and opinions have also been added. Surgical tools are also recorded.