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      A vine that beats
      No Expiration
      Aden Adventurer's Guild
      An Athens city official has an interest in musical instruments from around this region. That research request has come, what do you think?
      Certainly there were instruments which originated in this area and went north. Try asking at the town rest area.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

              1. Aden - Talk to Rest House Master
              2. Hormuz - Talk to Resident (Near the port square)
              3. Hormuz Mosque - use Observe , Search

              1. One hundred vines
              Ahh, that instrument. It's an instrument that has been in use for a long, long time. The meaning of the word in Persian is 100 chords. It came here from the East, so if you go to Hormuz, you can find out more about it.

              2. A clear sound
              You take a box made from the wood from a walnut tree and string the strings over it. When you play it with a striker, it makes a sound like clear water. Sorry, i became entranced. The instrument is stored in the Mosque.

              3. A string instrument played like percussion
              You would think that you pluck the strings to make sound, but even by tapping the string it makes a good sound. It is stored in the Mosque in this town, so i will go look at it.

              Discovery Reward :
              500 Adventure exp

              Card Reward :
              Santur 250 Adventure exp

              Quest Reporting Reward :
              Quest Mediation Permit , 150 Adventure exp , 70 Adventure fame

                • Discovery
                • Santur ★★★ (Treasure) Exp:500 Fame:225
                  Steel strings stretched over a box made of walnut. It is played by striking the strings with a light weight wooden rod called a Mezrab. The clarity of sound fascinates all who hear it.

                  in Aden, talk to Rest House Master (Rest Area)
                  in Hormuz, talk to Resident (near Port/Square)
                  in Hormuz, use Observe and Search (Mosque)
                  Report quest

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