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      Plant that catches insects
      No Expiration
      Calicut Adventurer's Guild
      This is a request to investigate an unusual plan. It seems that there is a plant east of here that actually eats bugs. Parvati said she wants you to find it. Ask here directly for more details. Me personally, I wouldn't want to go near such a vicious plant...
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                [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [ZONE:90005566] - Talk to Parvati x2 2. [ZONE:90005787] - Talk to Seafarer x2 3. [ZONE:90001080] - Southwest of map click the "Table Boulder" 4. [ZONE:90001080] - Near the "Table Boulder" use [SKILL:30000035] & [SKILL:30000010] Unlock-Quest: [IMG:31][QUEST:99997597] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Rumors from the east A sailor has told me about a strange, very interesting plant. To the east of here, a plant grows that feeds on insects. It's leaves are shaped like sacks and any insects that falls into them never comes out again... [IMG:01] In Brunei I just can't stop thinking about this plant, and if it really exists or not. I want you to help look for it. I heard the story first from someone from an island to the east, called Brunei. Therefore, it seems logical to conclude the people of Brunei will probably know more. [IMG:01] The fate of insects that fall into those leaves You're searching for a plant that eats insects? You mean the one with pot like leaves at the end of long vines, do you? Any insects that falls inside those leaves is totally dissolved. Certainly, a plant worth searching for. [IMG:01] Search the forest for what you seek To see one for yourself you'll have to go into the forest. They only grow in damp, moist conditions. Leave town by passing the gatekeeper. [IMG:03] Habitat of the insect eating plant ...Close to a large, round rock, you find something quite interesting. The trees nearby are wrapped in thick, strong vines and from those vines hang leaves shaped like sacks. Unfortunately this plant is dead, but this certainly looks like the region in which they grow. [IMG:06] Investigation of the insect eating plant Walking through the forest to the south east of Brunei you found some dead specimens of a certain plant around table rock. It appear to be the insect eating plant. Continue to investigate the area around table rock. Reward: [DBLINK:01500232] × 1 330 Adventure Experience 125 Adventure Fame

                  • Discovery
                  • Nepenthes ★★★ (Plant) Exp:462 Fame:210
                    A plant covered in sacks. The sacs contain liquid which dissolve insects that fall in. Could it be eating the insects? If it was big enough, would it eat us, too?

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