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Plant that catches insects
No Expiration
Calicut Adventurer's Guild
This is a request to investigate an unusual plan. It seems that there is a plant east of here that actually eats bugs. Parvati said she wants you to find it. Ask here directly for more details. Me personally, I wouldn't want to go near such a vicious plant...



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1-2. Calicut: Speak to Parvati (Barmaid)
3-4. Brunei: Speak to Seafarer
5. Southeast Brunei: Click on Table Boulder (Southwest Area of map)
6. Southeast Brunei: Observe / Ecological Research near Table Boulder
- Discovery
Nepenthes ★★★ (Plant) Exp:462 Fame:210
A plant covered in sacks. The sacs contain liquid which dissolve insects that fall in. Could it be eating the insects? If it was big enough, would it eat us, too?
1. Calicut. Speak with Parvati x2
2. Brunei. Speak with Seafarer x2
3. Southeast Brunei. Table Boulder.
4. Obseverve/Ecology few meters away.
Parvati u will find her beside Barkeep..