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      Messenger Bird
      No Expiration
      Calicut Adventurer's Guild
      You'have already found a few animals that are believed to be divine messengers, right? Well, it seems theres a bird like that in Japan as well. I hear that it symbolizes the sun, despite being jet black. First head to the pub in Nagasaki to collect some information
      •  Member
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              Pre Quest
              Messenger of the monkey god 4 6 1 Hanuman Langur
              God bird of rainbow colours 10 12 1 Resplendent Quetzal

              1. Tavern Keeper - Nagasaki
              2. Read Theology Book at Archives - Sakai
              3. Scholar - Sakai
              4. Observe and Search near the Temple - Sakai

              Not Seen
              I rarely ever see that bird. I mean, it's not really a bird, it's a divine messenger. I don't know where you can find it. Maybe you could try reading some books at the Sakai Archives.

              In Japanese Fables...
              ...Emperor Jinmu left Kyushu for Yamato with his brother, to build a capital in the east to reign all under the heavens. Along the way they they were met by Nagasunehiko, and had to take a detour. Along that detour, Emperor Jinmu was lead by the three-legged bird, a divine messenger...

              Scholarly Deduction
              The Yamato of this story is likely the location of the former Yamato dynasty. Yes, it is close to here. If you look in town, you might find something.

              Messenger Bird
              The ruling family from Kyushu was guided by the divine messenger bird of this area. There might be a clue somewhere in town. Investigate the Temple.

                • Discovery
                • Flag of the Yatagarasu ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:360 Fame:178
                  Flag that bears a drawing of a three-legged crow.
                  In Japanese mythology, this crow is god's messenger.
                  The name in Japanese means eight-span crow, with eight-span being a length common in Japanese mythologies.

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