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It Means Mountain
No Expiration
Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
A request from a certain developer. While checking the northern terrain, he discovered a mountain. However, the mountain is strangely flat. He feels that there may be ruins there and wants it investigated. It will be a definite discovery if there really are ruins. Perhaps the scholar at Merida might have some information.



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- Language/Edit History

Merida - Speak with Travelling Scholar.
Cape Cod, Open Sea - Southeast of North America East Coast landing (13130,2850)
Observe Recognition 

1. Word With Meaning
Yes, I have heard of a mountain in that area. And no, unfortunately there are no ruins there. It is low, but it is a mountain. The name means something like "Flat at the Top" or "Lonely" or something like that. If you see it, I believe you will understand.

2. Just as it Looks
It is short for a mountain, but given the local name for it, it appears to have been here for quite a while. We can use Recognition to confirm from the seas near the landing point along the North American eastern coast of Cape Cod, Open Sea.
Discovery: 670 Experience
Card: 335 Experience and
MonadnockReport reward: 160 Experience, 75 Fame, and 1
Quest Mediation Permit
- Discovery
Monadnock ★★★★ (Geography) Exp:670 Fame:277
A level mountain found in North America. It's name comes from the languages of one of the North American native tribes. Loosely translated, it's name means mountain that stands alone.