New discovery: Scombrops Boops (3-star Marine Creature) -- caught with R8 Fishing at around 13700,3000, or due east of the southern-most Colony landing and Boston (which will be added in a couple updates from now)
Scombrops Boops is also a Sablefish, which is part of the Cold Sea Fish Memorial Album (but that can be caught more regularly in the Northeast Passage and other zones).
Scombrops Boops is also the silliest name ever. When I first caught him I thought it was a translator's joke :). But it's for real, check Wikipedia.
Connected to the Thanksgiving Festival and North American towns tied to the Railroad, Travellers will appear in the cities of Boston, Omaha, Sacramento, and San Francisco. Each carries a special recipe for unique items; currently GAMA is experiencing such a festival, and I've been told it should last a total of four days. The MA items are:
"North America Work clothes sewing method"
Located in: San Francisco
R10 Sewing
Natal Indigo x15
Cotton Fabric x5
Embroidery Thread x10
Yields: "Frontiers Shirt" +1 Appraisal/Mineral trading; MA item for Rare Items Travelled by Train
"North American traditional headdress sewing method"
Located in: Boston
R10 Sewing
Natal Indigo x20
Leather Cord x30
Eagle's Wings x20
Yields: "Feather crown of courage" +1 Plunder/Assault; MA item for Rare Items Travelled by Train
Native NA Shoe Making Book
Located in: Omaha
R10 Handicrafts
Leather x20
Leather Cord x5
Embroidery Thread x5
Yields: "Deerskin boots" +1 Unlock/Trap; MA item for Rare Items Travelled by Train
NA Traveler's Tool Making Book
Located in: Sacramento
R10 Handicrafts
Gold Thread x5
Lumber x5
Japanese Lacquer x10
Yields: "Traveler's comb" +2 Sundries trading; MA item for Rare Items Travelled by Train
Please excuse the front page spam, and also the use of quote marks, those are Google translations and should be replaced by actual item names later. Given the time-sensitive nature of this opportunity, though, I thought it best to mention these recipes were currently available, and what they required. Also, I am only temporarily posting these recipes here for ease of access; once they're properly recorded on the UWO wikia, and perhaps under certain articles on the UWO DB related to item skills or the MA section, it'll be removed.
Cheers, and see you on the railroad.