- City
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
- Required
Request for Investigation of a Far Away Land
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
A seafarer in town is apparently worried about something. They are involved in a study down in Taiwan. You've done a number of studies on that island so I think you could handle it. What d'ya say? It's an animal investigation, by the way. If you're interested ask the requester themselves for the details.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1-2. Jakarta: Speak to Seafarer
3. Tamsui: Speak to Famous Explorer (close to Tavern)
4. Tamsui: Speak to Chien-Hung (Barmaid)
5. Tamsui -> Tamsui Southeast: Click on Large Boulder (Center of map)
5. Tamsui -> Tamsui Southeast: Observe / Eco near Large Boulder
- Discovery
Capitoninae ★★★★★ (Bird) Exp:930 Fame:355
Bird with five-different colours on its body, inhabiting from the south of China to the southeast of Asia. They use their beaks to create round holes in tree trunks for their nests. They sleep in these nests at night.
Something wrong here...for this quest name, reward is 124k and it invloves talking in jakarta twice and rest of clues in Tamsui