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      Request for Investigation of a Far Away Land
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      A seafarer in town is apparently worried about something. They are involved in a study down in Taiwan. You've done a number of studies on that island so I think you could handle it. What d'ya say? It's an animal investigation, by the way. If you're interested ask the requester themselves for the details.
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                  Prequest: [IMG:31][QUEST:99997018] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[DBLINK:10000131] - Talk to Seafarer (2x) 2.[DBLINK:10000178] - Talk to Famous Explorer 3.[DBLINK:10000178] - Talk to Chien-Hung 4.[ZONE:90001106] - Click on the Large Boulder 5.[ZONE:90001106] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] near the Large Boulder [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Green bird overhead I want you to investigate the bird I saw in the outskirts of Tamsui. While walking around the outskirts of the town, a green bird was flying overhead. I later saw that bird resting up in a tree, but its face was blue. I figured it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but... [IMG:01] Its true colour After I came back here, I thought about it some more, and I was sure I saw some red and yellow in there too. It's really bothering me now...what colour was that bird really? Or is there a bird out there with all of those colours mixed together? I'm sure that at least it's body was all green. Could you go investigate in Tamsui and let me know what you find? It'd be a great help! [IMG:01] Multi-coloured bird A bird with a green body...? I think I know which bird you're talking about... If you'd only seen its body you'd think it's all green, but from its head up its painted with blues and yellows and other colours. Now that you mention it, there was somebody else studying that bird. They had to be pretty thorough in their report for Chien-Hung, so I'm sure Chien-Hung can tell you a lot about it. [IMG:01] The Bird's Behavior The bird appears to dig holes in trees to make nests. I suppose that's where it sleeps at night. So when you see a nest-like hole in a tree it means that a bird is nearby, according to my source. As a matter of fact, I remember seeing a tree with such a hole near a large rock on the outskirts of town. [IMG:03] Discovery of a nest-like hole Looking closely around the trees, you see small round holes scattered here and there. The bird's habitat is surely around here. Search through the area throughly. [IMG:06] Search the surroundings of the nest To find the bird with a green body and multi-coloured face, your attention is now drawn to the surrounding trees. You should be able to find the bird it its nest is around here. Use what you've learned so far as the basis for your search.

                    • Discovery
                    • Capitoninae ★★★★★ (Bird) Exp:930 Fame:355
                      Bird with five-different colours on its body, inhabiting from the south of China to the southeast of Asia. They use their beaks to create round holes in tree trunks for their nests. They sleep in these nests at night.

                      Mei Hua
                      Something wrong here...for this quest name, reward is 124k and it invloves talking in jakarta twice and rest of clues in Tamsui

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