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A New Trend in the Arts
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
Brah you know O' school arts? Down HANGZHOU, they get new kind art. They when make a hapa-style art west/east kind. Folklorist like you find out dat.
GO TO HANGZHOU(East Asia Port)



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HANGZHOU Tavern Keeper: Oh, you mean Chinese Opera? Dat kind hapa-art? Go Archives.

HANGZHOU Scholar: Oh what you stay talking about? Bugaku I tink.

HANGZHOU Scholar:Bukaku wen absorbe all da surounding cultures la' dat, like pidgin.

HANGZHOU Scholar:Oh rememba! Had one singer wahine she said da same thing!

HANGZHOU Scholar: Cuz, you not going to believe. Me and her was talking wit our minds, she took of her clothes for me. True story! Dey in town!

Brah if you no believe go down to the item shop and cocaroach one custom for you. You going to look solid just like her! if you think you can just jack um...think again got one mean lock you gotta pick.

Go left hand side of HANGZHOU Shop Keeper. Look for the white urns with tea inside, use SEARCH and jack um and run!!!
- Discovery
Peking Opera Costume ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:800 Fame:330
Costume worn in the Chinese performing art called Peking Opera. The play developed among the people and became popular in the city, where it came to be called, Peking Opera. Subject mattered revolved around the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, and other subjects popular among the masses.