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Unidentified Sea Creature
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
Have ya heard? A strange creature has been found in Sakai. They say it looks like a crab, so I s'pose it's from the sea.
You know lots about the sea, aye?
The Nanban Trade Merchant is asking us to look into it. Could ya have a talk with him?



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1. Sakai -> Nanban Trade Merchant x2
2. Sakai -> Tavern Keeper
3. Nagasaki -> Tavern Keeper
4. Nagasaki -> Port Official
[IMG:01] Bizarre Creature Mixed into Cargo
The other day, a trade ship came from Nagasaki. I dealt with them as I always did. But there were some things in their cargo that I had never seen before.
The body reminded me of a crab, but there were no claws. It had spikes. And a long sword-like tail.
[IMG:01] Crab, or not a Crab?
Since it looked like a crab, it would normally be bought as food, but looking like that? So I didn't buy any. I didn't want to see myself if it wa edible or not. I was too scared of how it looked. So I want you to look into it for me. Since it's concerning food, you might want to start with the barkeep.
[IMG:01] Foodstuff You'll Hardly See
A Crab without claws, with spikes and a sharp tail? Never heard of any food like that. It could be something we don't get around here very often. Since it came on a ship from Nagasaki, you should try looking there for information.
[IMG:01] A Flavour that Betray Expectations
Well, that particular creature you can sometimes find near the flats. But we don't sell it here. Don't matter if it looks like a crab. Don't think it will taste like one. And it probably isn't a crab anyway.
Why don't you ask the port official? He's likely to know something.
[IMG:01] Not a Crab, but an Insect?
A crab that doesn't taste like crab? Oh, that flat shelled creature? I often get asked if that's a crab or if it's even edible. I even went and asked the scholar. He said "That's not a crab. I think if anything, it's closer to a bug. "Why don't you see for yourself?
[IMG:06]Confirming Lifeform at Mudflats
The creature I'm investagating has a body like a crab. But there are many points where it is different from a crab. It can be eaten, but I'll leave the taste to someone else. I'm told they can be found northeast of Nagasaki along the coast.
- Discovery
King Crab 1 ★★★★ (Marine creature) Exp:620 Fame:258
Creature living in certain coastal regions of East Asia and Southeast Asia. There are rocks that bare a similar pattern.