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Tailed Butterfly
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
This is a request from a scholar who just went to Korea. They saw a butterfly they'd never seen before, so they want it investigated. It's characterized by the tails on it wings, and it flies very slowly. But they got lost in admiration and weren't able to catch it. The scholar in Hanyang should know about the butterfly too.



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Hanyang Hanyang Archives - Talk to Scholar
West Pohang - Use
Observe and
Ecological Research near the white flowers in the southwest.

Scholar's Experience
If you're referring to a gently floating butterfly, I may know what you're referring to. I once tried to catch it. But in watching it for a time, I became so entranced with its beauty that I lost sight of it. The male in particular tends to hide rather than fly. You see them quite often on the outskirts of Pohang.

The slowly flying butterfly with the tail on the wings which I have been investigating can apparently be seen on the outskirts of Pohang. I must make sure that I don't lose sight of it in my investigation.
- Discovery
Dragon Swallowtail ★★ (Insect or worm) Exp:300 Fame:150
Butterfly that inhabits the Korean Peninsula. Has long protuberances connected to it's lower wings.
Flies gently and low to the ground.