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A strange way of playing
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Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
Did you go to Kakadu? According to reports there was an unusual musical instrument used by folk peoples around there. DI you see it? It is apparently like a flute. I have a request from a court musician to investigate about this. Please go investigate at Kakadu.



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Barkeeper (Kakadu) 1x
Town Official (Kakadu) 2x

Australia Northwest Coast

Are you talking about digeridoo? Well, you use a cylindrical piece of eucalyptus tree but you don't carve it out by hand, you have ants eat it. There are only certain types of eucalyptus trees that ants like to eat so you can't just use any kind. Ask the Town Official if you're interested in how to play it. He's the best digeridoo player around.
The didgeridoo is very easy to play. You just put your lips on the end of it and then it will just play when you think of what note to play next. Well, maybe there is a little bit of technique in how you move your lips to make sound come out. Oh and you have to breath in your nose while simultaneously blowing out your mouth so that you can keep playing forever... What do you mean that's impossible? You can't o that?
...Ahem, I thought that was something everyone could do but I guess I was wrong. Oh well. If you want to see an didgeridoo then you should travel over to the land in the west. But be sure to not it even if you do find one. If an outsider so much as lays a finger on an didgeridoo some people can feel extremely uncomfortable. Just be thankful if someone decides to let you even see one.
The instrument I'm suppose to research is called a "digeridoo" The way it is played is extremely unique. THe player simply exhales while thinking about the notes they want to play... Continue on and discover the instrument to the west of Kakadu.
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Didgeridoo ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:636 Fame:265
A wooden flute the Australian aborigines used in ceremonies. It has different names, such as Idaki or Mago, depending on the region. They used the wood of Eucalyptus whose insides had been eaten away by termites. Sound is made by placing the lips and vibrating them at the end of the cylinder.